This week, I sat down with The Masked Blogster, for this weeks installment of Maskerpiece Theater! Listen in, as we tape this week at Pop Culture Paradise Comic shop in downtown Tempe AZ. Where we discuss Miley Cyrus at the VMAs, the "new" Batman, Marble Brewing, and how some people or company's market and brand themselves. We also discuss the rapid growth of the East Valley Beer scene, and of coarse, the "Bronson of the Week" (beer of the week for you non regular listeners). Just a quick note, the first 10 minutes and 30 seconds is an interview with an adult film star, so, if that sort of thing offends you, please don't listen to it, and then complain to me it offended you, either don't listen, or skip ahead to 10:30, that is where I join in the conversation...
So, until next time
Bottoms up my friends
The Beer Czar
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