I've been searching for a reason to talk about Les Stroud and Survivorman on this blog since about the time I first started doing it, well, here is my chance!!

celebrities. I don't get all crazy when I might spot some famous person out in public. I could really care less about "famous" people. That being said, there are few famous people that I would be excited to meet if ever given the chance. Most of them I would love to meet, mostly because they have a talent or something I respect (mostly musicians). A few I would love to meet, Jimmy Buffett, Slash, David Gilmore or Tommy Emmanuel come to mind. There is one more person I would just love to meet as well.
That person is, none other then the Survivorman himself, Les Stroud! I have always loved the outdoors, and have been fascinated by outdoor survival, I even had a job some 15 years ago (before survival was "cool"), teaching young people how to survive and get rescued if they ever find themselves lost in the wilderness (in this case, the Sonoran desert).
For those of you that don't know who he is, Les Stoud is the brains behind and star of the hit TV show "Survivorman" on Discovery and The Science Channel. One of the few "legit" survivalists on TV I think, (don't even get me started on Bear Grylls!) and is even credited with helping create the genre. Its a show where he is dropped in the middle of some remote location, rain forest, tundra, desert etc. all alone, then films his struggles for the next 7 (and in some cases 10) days. Filming it all himself, no film crew, nothing, just himself. (There is a small production, and rescues team set up a mile or so away, but they are just there in case of an emergency)
Something like this......
Well, the reason I am talking about Mr. Stoud on my beer blog, is because he is teaming up with a brewery, to release a series of "Survivorman Beers" to be released starting in 2015!!! Stroud, himself Canadian, is teaming up with Lake of Bays Brewing Company in Baysville, Ontario. There is no news as to what types, or styles of beers that will be released yet, or how much Les himself with have his hands in the process, but you rest assured I will be keeping a VERY close eye on this, and come time, may be tapping a few Canadian friends on the shoulder in an attempt to get my hands on some of these beers!! If you want to read the full joint release from Les and the Brewery, you can read it here.
I am very excited about this! Two of my favorite things, Survivorman, and beer, coming together!!

Again, I will post more about this beer as I get the info, I just wanted to take a minute and geek out over two of my favorite things coming together in one glorious collaboration!
Until next time
Bottoms up my friends!
The Beer Czar
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