
Oct 6, 2012

New Little "Czar" in the family!

I know this is completely not beer related, but its a rather momentous occasion, and couldn't let it go without mentioning it. Yesterday, my wife, and two daughters and I welcomed one more addition to the family! Say hello to Kelsey Elizabeth Morrison, born yesterday (10/5/12) at 11:37, at 7 pounds, 12 ounces, and 20 inches long!!! I may be not be very active on here for the next week or so, but I do have 3 months off for paternity leave (thank you Bank of America!) so you can bet I will be traveling the state (at least the east valley!) hitting up all the new beer spots I haven't had a chance to go yet, so check back!

Baby Kelsey

My oldest Jordan, with her new sister

MacKenzie, and Kesley
My lovely wife, with Kelsey

I am not sure there is any better reason on earth to raise a glass and say "Cheers" so bottoms up my friends
The Beer Czar

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