
Oct 8, 2012

Another Stone/ Ken Schmidt collaberation!!!!

Great beer!
For those of you that have been following this blog since day one, first off, let me say thank you. Second, you may recall one of my first posts, titled "The Thrill of the Hunt" in which I documented my quest for find a collaboration brew from Stone Brewing in Escondido California, and Maui Brewing in Hawaii, and Ken Schmidt, a home brewing also from the Hawaiian islands. The brew was an amazing Macadamia nut, Kona Coffee coconut porter, that is, to this day, one of my favorite, most memorable beers I've had the pleasure of drinking. I bought 3 bottles at the time, and wish I had bought a case of it! It was a one time brew, and since that batch, I have yet to drink it again.

I can't wait to try this!
Well, you can imagine my excitement, when I saw the news that Stone and Ken Schmidt have hooked up once again, this time adding Iron Fist Brewing to the mix, to create another beer, that, sounds, at the very least, intriguing. They have come up with an Imperial Mint Chocolate Stout! Set to be on shelves today (Oct 8th) you can be assured, I will be hunting this one down as well! Hopefully this time I will have to for thought of either buying more than three of them, or not drinking the ones I do have do quickly!

Listed as a Double/Imperial Stout, it weighs in at a pretty hefty 9.6% abv.

Here is the video Stone has released to announce the launch of this beer.

If any of you out there happen across this beer, please let me know where!!! I'll be looking around for it this week.
Until then, bottoms up my friends
The Beer Czar

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