
Oct 3, 2012

100th Post!!! Friends and Fans!

Well, its hard to believe, but this marks the 100th post for The Beer Czar. I think we have maintained the purpose of this blog. To look at beer in a fun, respectful manner. I didn't want a blog that dives deep into grain bills, or hop verities, or just reviews beers 95% of the time. I wanted a blog that looks not only at the business of beer, but the life style, the effect on how we live, or at least how we enjoy ourselves. I can think of no better way to celebrate that, then to take a look at folks, as they enjoy themselves, with this wonderful beverage we call beer! Thanks to everyone that shared their photos with me! Prost my friends..

This is my very good friend from college, Becky, enjoying a Pumkinhead from Shipyard from Maine. Becky was the one that introduced me to the folks at 50 Back, something you will be hearing much more about come Veterans Day!

Here is a friend, and former co-worker, Arian. Seen hear enjoying two of her favorite things, Miller Lite, and NASCAR! This picture was taken at Bristol Motor Speedway, in Bristol, TN

This is one of my contributions! This is a picture of my beer (I honestly forget what it was I was drinking) sitting at the bar of Big Nose Kate's, in Tombstone, Arizona. A fire in 1882 burned much of the city, only 2 bar tops survived, this one, and one at the Birdcage Theater, and this is the only one you can still drink at! So, my beer in this picture, was sitting in the same place that once held beers for Doc Holiday, Wyatt Earp, and the Clantons! I love history!

Here is a picture of my good friend Brad, sitting at the bar at Big Nose Kate's. Its a pretty awesome place!

This photo was sent to me by my wife's dearest friend Lisa (3rd from the left) She was actually the maid of honor in our wedding. Seen here with myself, my wife, and Lisa's husband (fiance at the time this was taken) Brookes. We were waiting for our table at the Jolly Pumpkin Brew Pub in Traverse City Michigan. (I just realized I am wearing the same shirt in this picture, as I am in the above picture! Must be my beer drinking shirt...)

Our good Canadian friend Bobby, enjoying a bucket of Corona's on a beautiful day in Alberta!

This lovely lady, is Bobby's (from the pic above) wife, our dear friend Daniell. Seen here at the Yard House enjoying a Copper Hook, from Redhook, from her home state of Washington! I can completely understand having a slight bias for the beer of your home state (I have one myself) but I think in both our cases, our states have a pretty solid beer community!

This lovely lady, is Brad's (from the Big Nose Kate picture) wife, and another dear friend of ours Roseanna. Seen here drinking a popular local brew, Orange Blossom from Papago Brewing, while on a date night with her hubby Brad.

Here is my good friend Brad, enjoying the Yard House's Honey Blonde, while on his and Roseanna's previously mentioned date night.


 OK, I debated weather or not to include this one, but I figure what the heck! This was sent to me by a friend that wished to remain anonymous. A picture he took of his girlfriend. He told me he sent me a picture of two of his favorite things. I'm wondering, isn't that 3 things in this picture? Not a very good beer, but everything else looks just great!

This picture is from fellow reader and Blogger Eric Strader seen here with Bells Brewery Founder Larry Bell, at Bells Eccentric Day.This is the day that Eccentric Ale (usually brewed the day before Eccentric Day for the following year's release) is released, normally in Dec. Eric has a great blog, check him out at Beer Nuts

These two lovely ladies are our friends Nikki (right) and Kayla at The Sandbar in Chandler. Having a few drinks at Kayla's brother Mitch's going away party, before he left to train to become a Border Patrol Agent. Good luck, and stay safe Mitch! 

This is one of the lovely Nikki, tipping back a Dos Equis, proving, she is among the most interesting people we know!
This is a submission from a high school friend Jen, taking a beer break after a much longer then expecting ordeal of trying to get the ATV into the bed of the truck. A beer well earned it seems!

Another high school friend of mine, Pete, sent me this one, a very nice pic taken at a BBQ it seems. Although we both went to high school in Maine, we both now live in Arizona, and I must say, Arizona summers are made for a beer like Corona!

One more High school friend, and Fryeburg Academy Cross Country team mate, Sean, and his wife Laura enjoying Oktoberfest at Novare Res bar, in Portland Maine. Sean assures me he took it easy that night, and only had "a couple" of those little beers. 

And finally, our only home brew submission, from my co-worker Shellie. Seen here with beer brewed by "Raymale Home Brewing", seen here drinking a "Hopblaster Pale Ale"

I just want to think everyone, for your support, and readership! Here is too 100 more posts! (an 100 more after that!)

Bottoms up my friends!
The Beer Czar


  1. Congrats on your 100th post! CHEERS!!!

  2. Very cool! Forgot to submit mine. :-/

  3. Malia, no worries, I've gotten a lot of good feed back from this, I may make it a regular thing, at least from time to time. Kind of a fun thing to do.....I'll let you know when I do it again.
