Well, here we are again, the weekend is upon us, and, well, its a big weekend coming up folks! Lots going on, so, lets not mess around, lets get right to it! So, here you are folks, SLIF, Vol. XI.

Arizona Beer Week starts tomorrow!
A big week for us beer lovers in Arizona. Tomorrow, The Strong Beer Festival is going to be held in Phoenix. Not only is this probably the most anticipated, best beer festival Arizona has to offer, it also marks the kick off Arizona Beer Week. As the name implies, this is a week long celebration of Arizona's growing and maturing beer scene. For complete news and events listings, go to their website here, and make your plans, there is just way too much going on to list here, so check out the website. You will find something!
Arizona Wilderness Brewery, in the news, AGAIN!
The beards at Arizona Wilderness Brewery have really set the Arizona beer scene on its head! As a result of being voted "best new brewery in the world" by Ratebeer.com, they have been pulled in all directions, getting calls from breweries far and wide, looking to collaborate. I know I say it a lot, but these guys are at the top of my favorite people in Arizona beer list. Their passion and personalities are infections, and the accolades they are getting are very well deserved. Its nice to see great things happening to better people! Check out their appearance on 12 News just this morning. Its a great look into the minds of these bearded beer geniuses.....check it out here....
Finally, The Perch is set to open!
After many delays, and set backs, The Perch Pub, a new Nano Brewery and restaurant will be opening its doors to the public tonight. My friend James Swann and crew will be welcoming the public, tonight, starting at 5:00. For a great look into the Perch, and a little of their back story, check out this write up in Mouth by Southwest.
Just note, tonight and tomorrow, are a soft opening. This is their first time opening their doors to the public. There staff is all new, their processes, and systems are all new, and the crowds are expected to be quite large. Don't go tonight expecting a perfect, wonderful experience, there will be some growing pains. Now, I have all the faith in the world that James and the gang will have a first class operation, but we need to give them some time to learn. So, that being said, hope to see you at the perch this weekend!!!
Blues Traveler coming to Great American BBQ and Beer Festival!!
This years Great American BBQ and Beer festival will have a major act if you needed some other reason to attend besides the amazing BBQ and awesome beer! One of my all time favorites, Blues Traveler will be headlining the concert!! This is VERY exciting news for me, and you can bet I will be there!!! For all the info you may need, check out the website here.....
Beer Cutlery!
I want to thank Adam (my cousin in law?) for this one. Its a kick started campaign to fund some awesome new flatware that every beer lover will want! Great idea, and you can even be a part of it if you like it that much, 40 days to go (62% to goal!)!! Check it out here.....
Until next time
Bottoms up my friends!
The Beer Czar
(note, this pic is my contribution to the decor at "The Perch". Its at the top of the stairs in the back of the roof top patio, that lead down to the brewery, check it out when you get a chance!)
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