
Dec 30, 2014

Have a safe and happy New Year!

Just wanted to take a moment, and wish everyone a safe, and happy New Year! Been a great year, and I am looking very forward to 2015! Much changes and exciting stuff coming up!

As always, I would hope and expect that everyone parties responsibly this holiday. Remember, there is NEVER an excuse to drive drunk. Please behave like an adult, and make plans ahead of time. If you find yourself to drunk to drive, and no ride, don't drive. Call someone, or call AAA's Tipsy Tow.
Tipsy Tow is not just for AAA members, its for everyone, and if less the 10 miles, its totally free (after 10 miles, standard towing rates apply), for you, and one passenger.

Just called 1-800-AAA-HELP (1-800-222-4357). You just need to provide DL#, home address, and our current location.

For all their info click the link here.....

So, there, no excuse, make plans, or call. It would suck to spend New Years in jail, or dead!

Again, have a great, safe Happy New Year!!! As always, if you take some fun New Years beer shots, send them our way, love to post some!!!

Take care, see you in 2015!

Until next time
Bottoms up my friends!

The Beer Czar

Dec 23, 2014

Merry Christmas from The Beer Czar

Well, this sure has been an eventful, busy year for me. As many of you have probably noticed, activity on this site has been slow to say the least recently. Lots of things going on behind the scenes here at the Beer Czar household, but things are starting to slow down, so you can look for me to make a full on return for the new year!! Stay tune for some VERY exciting news coming very soon in 2015 for starters!

Until then, I want to wish everyone a very safe and happy holidays. As always, take some pic's, we would love to see and share then, and remember folks, we are adults, lets act like, and enjoy your beer (or other adult beverages) responsibly. Plan ahead, make arrangements, or just call a cab, just remember, driving drunk is ALWAYS 100% preventable, so don't do it.

Have a safe, happy holiday, and if I don't see you before, have a safe and happy New Years. Stay safe, have fun, relax, and enjoy yourself, and your family, friends, pets, whomever you celebrate with this time of year, I'll be seeing you all real soon!

Merry Christmas everyone

The Beer Czar

Dec 11, 2014

Beer Candied Bacon Bark....oh my!

OK, so my crush on the Beeroness is now complete! Beer Candied bacon, in chocolate bark? I can't think of a better treat for your next holiday get together, or homemade gift idea for the beer lover in your life!! Check this out, its simple, delicious and is sure to be a hit! Check out the Beeroness's complete write up on this recipe as well as additional holiday gift idea's for the beer lover from this amazing woman here......

Beer Candied Bacon Bark

  • 6 strips thick sliced bacon
  • ½ cup brown sugar
  • 2 tbs stout beer
  • pinch cayenne
  • 10.5 wt oz dark chocolate (72% cacao content)
  • ¼ cup pale ale beer
  • 1/3 cup smoked almonds
  • Preheat oven the 350.
  • In a sauce pan over medium high heat, bring the brown sugar, stout and cayenne to boil, boil for one minute.
  • Place the bacon on a wire rack over a baking sheet. Brush the bacon on each side with sugar mixture.
  • Bake at 350 for 10 minutes, flip, re-brush with sugar mixture, bake for ten more minutes until bacon is a dark brown. Remove from oven, allow to cool. Bacon will harden as it cools. Chop the bacon once it has cooled.
  • In the top of a double boiler over gently simmering water add half the chocolate, make sure the heat isn’t too high or the chocolate will seize. Stir constantly until chocolate is almost melted. Slowly stir in the beer until well combined. Remove from heat. Stir in the remaining chocolate until melted and well combined. Stir in the smoked almonds.
  • Pour chocolate onto a baking sheet that has been covered with parchment paper or a silicone baking mat. Sprinkle with chopped bacon. Chill until set. Break into pieces.

    Another amazing recipe from this incrediable chef! If you ask me, she has, by far the best cooking with beer site on the web. Check out this, and all her great recipes at
    Until next time
    Bottoms up my friends
    The Beer Czar

    Nov 26, 2014

    Holiday Beer Photos!!! Lets see yours!

    OK, since Thanksgiving is tomorrow, and December and Christmas right around the corner, its time to start thinking about holiday beer, and we want to see your holiday beer pics! Are you drinking beer for Thanksgiving dinner? Or at an ugly Christmas sweater party, or whatever, take a pic, and send it to us!
    Besides, I've noticed a real lack of good beer and thanksgiving photos out there, lets change that.

    Email your pictures to us at, or post them on our Facebook page.
    We will be collecting pic's throughout the holiday season, and will be posting them periodically over the next few weeks, so, get them in while you can!!!

     In the mean time, bottoms up, and enjoy your holiday!! Lets see those pic's!

    Only two must be either of you, or taken by you, and must contain beer, that's it, everything else goes!

    Until next time
    Bottoms up my friends

    The Beer Czar 

    Nov 10, 2014

    Happy Veterans Day, and thank you!

    Today is veterans day, and I've been wanting to post this for a while. Its not at all beer related, but I wanted to post it none the less, I think its worthy.

    Years ago, I asked my now late Uncle Gary for a little information on my Grandfather's time in the service during WWII. I knew he had seen some combat, and was even injured, but that was about all I knew. I asked Uncle Gary (a veteran of the Navy himself) what he new about it, the following is the information I got from him. So you could say, this is Uncle Gary's (aka the Roving Beer Czar Correspondent) last posting on The Beer Czar. Here is what he told me.....

    A "Higgins" Boat, the type of
    boat my grandfather piloted
    He entered the service shortly after Pearl Harbor was attacked, around the first week of January 1942. He enlisted in the Coast Guard. Because of his boating experience and that he was a licensed boats man (I’m not sure of the tonnage) he entered the Coast Guard as a quarter master and operated a Higgins boat. During time of war the Coast Guard fell under the Navy.  My grandfather was only one of 4 Coasties on a navy ship

    USS Wm. P. Biddle
     In the spring of 1942 his ship, the USS Wm. P. Biddle (APA – 8) was in the Chesapeake Bay area helping to school soldiers and sailors in the finer points of amphibious warfare. It was during that time my grandfather was assigned to a PT boat and transported officers from other ships in Chesapeake Bay to Baltimore where the officers where engage in the planning of the invasion of North Africa (that took place Nov. 8).
    During the invasion of North Africa, he made several (3 or 4 most likely) landings while under (at times heavy) fire in Fadala (Mohammedia), Morocco (just east of Casablanca). The only injury he sustained was a small splinter that lodged in his lip after a shell exploded close to his boat on return to his ship after one landing. During that invasion, another APA called the "Tasker Bliss" was sunk by a German sub just off the Fedala coast and my grandfather’s ship as well as a few others were pulled out of the area. So, for a day, my grandfather was stuck on shore in Casablanca and under the command of the Army (that's tough for a Navy man!).
    According to "family legend", a few days, or maybe a week or two later, while back on shore after the hostilities ceased to gather items left on the beach by the invading soldiers to take back to his ship, he happened to walk  up to an area where there was a lot of tanks and soldiers standing around listening to an officer who was, according to my grandfather "ranting and raving” while standing atop  a tank. My grandfather said he tapped a young soldier on the shoulder and asked him “who's the dumb son of a bitch on the tank running his mouth?.” My grandfather said the kid looked back at him as if he had just insulted God himself, and replied “Why that there is General Patton Sir.”
    After the invasion his ship returned to Norfolk where it picked up a bunch of Seabees for a quick delivery run to the South Pacific. We know he made that trip, but I understand that while in the South Pacific he sustained a fairly serious injury after unloading a bunch of soldiers, when backing his Higgins boat up, the boat’s rudder hit a submerged boat and caused the helm to turn violently,  injuring him in the stomach (he still bore the scars of that injury up till the day he died). It was that injury that ultimately resulted in his discharge from the service (around August 1943 from what we can determine).
    This is the only photo I could find taken during the actual
    landing on Fadala.
    Years after, when asked what bothered him more than anything else during the war, he would say it was that he dropped off so many young soldiers on the beaches that day at Fadala, and knowing that probably half of them would never survive the landing, or much longer after that.
     My father added some info as well, that is kind of cool. One of the other 3 Coast Guardsmen on the Biddle was from Doylestown PA, the town my mother is from. The daughter of my grandfathers shipmate went to school with my mom. They knew each other well, and even had pictures of each from their time in the war. Small world indeed...
    I just want to say thank you, to everyone who has, or is currently serving in the US Armed Forces, be it the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, or Coast Guard. We can't thank you enough.
    Cheers to you all!
    The Beer Czar

    Released today, Grand Canyon Brewing’s Winter Bourbon Barrel Brown!!!

    We don't snow often in Arizona, but when we do, its
    Well, we are well into November, and in Arizona that means the weather is cooling off, with temperatures dropping into the high 70's! So break out your long sleeve t-shirts, maybe a pair of socks, and open a bottle Grand Canyon Brewing’s Winter Bourbon Barrel Brown, set to release today!!! In Arizona, we don't get to experience winter like most of the country, but this beer  is just one small way we can at least feel like it cold and snowy outside.
    The 2014 batch is packed with the full body flavor of malt, bourbon and maple syrup. Plus, there’s an oak aged flavor bomb packed inside for an added depth of flavor. Winter Bourbon pairs well with beef dishes and rich cream sauces.
    “We’re excited to bring Winter Bourbon back a bit earlier this year after successful first year launch in late 2013. This year’s batch has a stronger flavor profile and a smooth finish,” said Alexander Phillips, director of sales and brand ambassador.
    Here is some of the "beer geek" info for you.....
    Winter Bourbon Barrel Bomber Quick Facts
    Style:   English Ale
    Malt:   Brown Bairds & Maris Otter malt with maple syrup added at fermentation
    Yeast: Blended Ale
    ABV:   6%
    Color: 18-20 SRM
    IBU:      20
    Availability: Kegs and bomber bottles, November-January
    Winter Bourbon Barrel Bomber will be available at select craft beer bars across Arizona and Nevada including Cruisers 66 in Williams, Brass Tap, Papago Brewing, World of Beer Locations, Taste of Tops, Bourbon Jacks, Boulders on Broadway, The Hungry Monk, Whole Foods Chandler, GCM, City Wine & Spirits, Tap & Bottle, 1702, and more, while supplies last.
    Until next time
    Bottoms up my friends
    The Beer Czar

    Nov 7, 2014

    Cooking with Beer : Beer Soaked Grilled Cheese

    OK, so, we all know one of my favorite foods is homemade mac and cheese. However, not far behind that, is the ultimate in comfort good sandwiches, the venerable grilled cheese sandwich. A grilled cheese sandwich, made with Velveeta, with a bowl of Campbell's Tomato Soup pretty much defines my lunches as a child, growing up in chilly, snow covered Western Maine.

    Well, until recently, I pretty much made grilled cheese sandwiches the same way my mother did for me when I was little (just not with Velveeta), which is perfectly fine, just not overly exciting. Then I realized, there is SO much goodness in a simple grilled cheese and it CAN be so much more exciting, but so much room for improvement. So, I started messing with my recipe a bit, with some success.

    Well, the other day, I was asked what beer to drink with a grilled cheese sandwich, and my first thought was not what to drink WITH it, but how to get beer IN my sandwich. I did a lot of surfing, and looking and experimenting, and this is the one recipe I found that was both easy, and delicious. I found this recipe on "The Brooklyn Brew Shop" website (for once I didn't land on a Beeroness recipe!), and I must give them ALL the credit for coming up with such a great, easy way to enjoy two of my favorite things. Plus, now that the weather is cooling off a bit (yes, even here in Arizona) the time for the grilled cheese sandwich is now! So, check out this beer soaked grilled cheese sandwich!! (you can check out their complete write up on this recipe by clicking here....)

    "Beer Soaked Grilled Cheese Sandwich"

  • 2 eggs
  • 1 cup Chestnut Brown Ale or other nutty, brown ale
  • 1/8 cup flour
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 1/4 teaspoon chili powder
  • 1 loaf sourdough bread, cut into eight 1/2" slices
  • 1 block mild or sharp cheddar cheese, sliced
  • 2 tablespoons butter, plus more if needed
  • additional toppings: bacon, sliced ham, prosciutto, avocado (optional)

  • What You Do

    1. In a large shallow bowl, whisk eggs, beer, flour, salt and chili powder. Dunk 1 slice of bread into the batter on both sides, giving it a second to fully absorb the batter, and let the excess batter drain back into the bowl.
    2. Move to another plate, and top with cheese and additional toppings if desired (cooked bacon, sliced ham, etc.).
    3. Repeat with another slice of bread, and complete the sandwich.
    4. In a large skillet, melt butter over medium-high heat. Place the sandwich in the middle, and let cook on each side 3-4 minutes, until it reaches a crispy golden brown and a gooey cheese middle. Repeat for all sandwiches. Plate, add garnishes and enjoy.

    OK, doesn't get much easier then that! Give this a show, and maybe enjoy with a bowl of tomato soup, or a potato beer soup??? Regardless, you can't go wrong when beer and cheese are involved! (Oh, and just a hint, I tried this with a bit of bacon, and it was wonderful!!!)

    So, until next time
    Bottoms up my friends!

    The Beer Czar

    Nov 6, 2014

    Ground Control hosts "Red White and Brew" Festival!

    "No Crap on Tap"
    OK, so when it comes to beer in the valley, a lion's share of the attention always seems to be on the east valley's Tempe, Chandler, and Gilbert. In the past, this has mainly been due to the lack of options in the west valley (or at least not as many as the east valley has). Well, things are changing, and changing quickly! It seems every week, more breweries are opening their doors, or announcing their future plans to do so. From Freakin' Brewing, Peoria Artisans Brewing, the soon to be 8-Bit Brewing, just to name a few.
    Well, one of the west valleys first, and still premier locations to gather for a glass of craft beer, has been Ground Control in Litchfield Park.

    Ground Control is more then just a beer stop however. Its a wine bar, gastro pub, coffee shop, and gelateria (that is a shop that gelato, I had to look it up....).

    I am not just writing this just to encouraged you to check out Ground Control though, (although, I strongly recommend that you do!) I am writing this to tell you about a festival that they are hosting next weekend, that will not only serve up some amazing beers, but will go to a more then worthy cause as well.

    The "Red White and Brew" Festival will take place on Nov 15th, from 2 to 6pm. 20+ beers to be had, experts on hand to chat with, and so much more! This is a festival that both the seasoned craft beer nerd, to the novice beer fan, just getting their feet wet can enjoy, its for everyone. The cost is $35 for 15 4oz pours.

    Its not just a great beer festival, like I said, its a fund raiser for a very worthy cause and a great charity. The charity is the "Capt. Jeremy Chandler Scholarship Foundation" (the Chandler family are friends of the owners). They lost their son in the war in Afghanistan in 2005. This foundation raises money for scholarships for active duty military personnel and their families.

     Notable beers that will be on hand: Bells "Hopsolution", Solar Blues "Freedom Tickler", The Perch/Mike Tinker's "My Precious IPA" and SO many more.  I am also told that even Velvet Merkin and 120 Minute may just make an appearance, just maybe......

    Tickets are available by clicking here.....

    For more information, check out Ground Control's Website here 

    Ground Control is located at
    4860 N Litchfield Rd, Litchfield, AZ 85340

    So please, if you are in the west valley, or don't mind driving to it, check out this very worthy fund raising beer festival. Drink great beer, and help a great cause!

    Until next time
    Bottoms up my friends

    The Beer Czar

    Nov 4, 2014

    Stove Top Beer and Bacon Mac and Cheese....the Beeroness does it again!

    The Beeroness (she's cute too!)
    OK, if you are looking for great sites on cooking with beer, there is really only one site you need to check out, The Beeroness. She is without a doubt (at least in my opinion) the best beer cooking site/blog that I have seen. Her recipes are wide ranging from the simple, 5 ingredient recipes to the much more complex recipes that require  a decent knowledge of cooking techniques and more exotic ingredients. You can find recipes for apps, desserts, man dishes or sides using all styles of beer. I've posted several of her recipes on this site before, and well, every time I look on her site, I see about a dozen more recipes I want to post here. Sometimes I see one that I just have to post, and this is one such post.

     Beer, bacon and mac and cheese, 3 of my favorite things!! Its not only a delicious recipe, its SUPER easy. If you can bowl water and cook bacon, you can handle this one!

    Check it out!

    • 2 cups elbow macaroni 
    • 4 strips of bacon, cut in half
    • 1/2 cup sour cream
    • 1 egg
    • 2/3 cup beer (pale ale, blonde, bock, and Hef work well, an IPA will give you a very strong beer flavor)
    • 1 1/2 cups cheddar cheese (fresh grated, pre-shreaded has additives that prevents it from melting properly) 
    • 2 tbs butter
    • 1/2 tsp black pepper
    • 1/4 tsp smoked paprika
    • pinch cayenne pepper
    • salt to taste
    • In a large pot of boiling water, add the noodles and cook until just before done. Don't over-cook the noodles or this will end up mushy.
    • Drain the pasta, return the pot to the stove and cook the bacon until crispy, remove from pot and allow to cool.
    • Drain off bacon grease and return drained noodles to the pot.
    • In a separate bowl, add the beer, egg and sour cream, beat until well combined.
    • Add the butter and the beer mixture to the noodles and return to medium heat. Stir until the butter has melted.
    • About 1/4 a cup at a time, add the cheese. Stir until cheese has melted before adding more.
    • Add the spices and chopped bacon, stir.
      Makes 4 entre sized portions.
      For her entire article with this recipe, you can click here....
      OK, it doesn't get much easier, or better then that now does it. Give it a shot and let me know what you thought of it!
      Until next time
      Bottoms up my friends!
      The Beer Czar

    Oct 24, 2014


    Well, apparently, my calendar tells me that it is, yet again, Friday, and that can only mean one thing, another edition of SLIF! So, lets not wait around any longer, lets get right to it!!! Here you go, here is SLIF, edition XVIII !!!

    The Muddy
    Do you love stouts? I do, they are up there among my favorite styles. I especially like imperial Stouts. That is why I was pretty excited when I got my hands on a bottle of Goose Islands "The Muddy". A third beer in a series celebrating the city of Chicago and its history. According to the Goose Island website, this beer is brewed with "molasses, brewer’s licorice, and Belgian dark rock candi sugar, The Muddy is an imperial stout with amplified sweetness for a taste as distinctive as the Chicago blues that inspired its creation." The blues influence it refers to is of coarse the blues legend Muddy Waters, while not from Chicago, made some of his best music there. To me, this beer was more smooth then sweet, with only a faint hint of licorice (but just enough) a touch more of sugary sweetness. An easy to drink, smooth but very flavorful stout, this beer is perfect now that the weather is cooling off, and stronger, heftier beers are in order! You can learn more about the beer, and where to find it here....

    The Beer Czar's Second Annual Pumpkin Beer Tasting!

    This past weekend, I hosted my 2nd Annual Pumpkin Beer Tasting! It was a great, albeit small group of good folks, all getting together to blindly rate a selection of 8 very good, to great pumpkin beers! Want to see the beers we tried, and how they rated? Check out the link, and see what beer took our top spot, as well as where the other 7 beers came in!  (Pumpkin Beer Tasting link )

    Pumpkin Beer Mac and Cheese
    Speaking of pumpkin beer, one of the "snacks" I made for the pumpkin tasting was this kick ass recipe for Pumpkin Beer Mac and Cheese. This is one of those recipes that I was hoping was just half as good as I was hope it would be, and turned out to be even better! An easy recipe, for a GREAT dish for any fall gathering!! Check out the recipe is amazing!

    Want to work at a Brewing?

    Do want to work at a brewery? Or do you need work? Do you know someone that does? Well, if you live in the east valley, your in luck. Mesa's  first and only Brewpub is opening very soon, looking to hire some people for a number of positions, from dishwashers, to hosts, to line cook. So, if you or anyone you know wants, or is in need of work, check them out here.....

    So, there you have to folks! Now, go forth into the weekend, and have a great time! As always, please remember, to have fun, but be smart, and stay safe, plan ahead!

    Until next time
    Bottoms up my friends

    The Beer Czar

    Oct 22, 2014

    The Beer Czar's Second Annual Pumpkin Beer Tasting

    This past weekend, I hosted my 2nd Annual Pumpkin Beer Tasting. This is proving to be a very fun event for me! Aside from the fact I love to get together and drink a few beers, I also, unashamedly LOVE pumpkin beer. Pumpkin beer is kind of the cool beer to hate among beer people. Given its popularity, ubiquity and the fact that just about every brewery makes a pumpkin beer, many of which are just not good at all. It's getting harder to find those truly good pumpkin beers. That is exactly why I hold this event, I'm here to help folks! I get a selection of what I think (in many cases, its just what I've heard, since I haven't tried many of them) are good examples of the style, and then ask friends and family members to rate them, blindly, so I can come up with my sort of "best of" for this year's pumpkin beers.

    This year, was a smaller, more laid back affair then last years, but equally as fun. This year, we had a total of 8 new beers to try. So, I gathered them around the table, poured them some beers, and let them go to work. Here is a list of the beers we tried, in the order they scored (#1 being the highest score....)

    (click on the link to learn more about that beer)

    1. Southern Tier's Warlock Imperial Pumpkin Stout - Lakewood, NY
    2. Epic's Fermentation without Representation's Imperial Pumpkin Porter - Salt Lake City, UT
    3. Southern Tier's Pumking - Lakewood, NY
    4. Four Peaks Pumpkin Porter - Tempe, AZ
    5. Pike's Pub and Brewery's Pike's Harlot's Harvest - Seattle, WA
    6. Grand Canyon Brewing's Pumpkin Spring's Porter Williams, AZ
    7. Dogfish Head's Punkin Ale - Milton, DE
    8. Unita's Punk'd - Salt Lake City, UT

    This years winner
    So, there you have it, the list of Beer Czar's top Pumpkin Beers for 2014! Overall, I think a pretty good list of some really good pumpkin beers! Nice to have a couple of Arizona beers in there this year too. Next year we are planning a slightly larger event, so we will have room for a few more folks. If you would like to be a part of next years event, or any other events we might have in the near future, please let me know and drop me a line at

    Here is a quick video with some more pic's, and the results, set to some awesome music!

    Until next time
    Bottoms up my friends

    The Beer Czar

    Oct 20, 2014

    Cooking with beer - Pumpkin Beer Mac and Cheese

    OK, I found this recipe on Pintreast a while back, and thought it looked pretty good, so I posted it on my Facebook page. Well, a bit has changed since them. For one, it proved to be a very popular post, and I had a lot of people asking for more info about it (mostly people that weren't on pintreast and couldn't see the whole recipe), so I figured with all the demand, I should post it on the blog. The main reason however I wanted to post it here, well, I actually made this over the weekend! I served it at my 2nd Annual Pumpkin Beer Tasting, and let me tell you, it was Fan-freakin-tastic! One of the better beer recipe's I've made. If you like pumpkin, and you like mac and cheese, you MUST give this recipe a try. Just ask anyone that was there, and they can back me up on it.

    One tip, this recipe makes A TON of it, so, it may be best to at least half the recipe, unless you planning on serving a dozen people or more (seriously, it makes a lot)

    To view the original post, with author notes click here.... (photo credits go to them as well)

    So, here goes....

    • 8 cups dry elbows
    • 6 Tablespoons Butter
    • 6 Tablespoons Flour
    • 4 cups milk
    • 24 ounces pumpkin flavored beer (nothing fancy, I just used Blue Moon Pumpkin)
    • 24 ounces (10 cups) Freshly grated Extra Sharp Cheddar
    • 2 1/2 cups freshly grated Parmesan cheese
    • 1/2 teaspoon cayenne pepper
    • 2 teaspoons pumpkin pie spice
    • 15 ounce can pumpkin puree
    1. Fill a large pot with water and cook pasta according to instructions on the box. Only cook until al dente, you don't want to overcook it, because the beer cheese sauce will cook them further.
    2. In a separate large pot, over medium-high heat, add the butter. Cook until melted and bubbling.
    3. Whisk in the flour, creating a roux, until golden brown, 1-2 minutes.
    4. Add the beer and milk, whisking constantly. Bring to a simmer and add the cheese.
    5. Reduce heat to medium-low, continue stirring 4-5 minutes until cheese is fully melted and the sauce begins to thicken.
    6. Stir in the cayenne and pumpkin pie spice.
    7. Mix in the pumpkin puree and cook 3-4 minutes longer.
    8. Preheat oven to 375 degrees.
    9. Strain your pasta, and pour it into a large pan. Pour the beer cheese sauce on top and mix into the pasta.
    10. Optional--you can add some panko bread crumbs on top if you like some crunch. We prefer it creamy!
    11. Cover the pan with tin foil and Pop into the oven for 20-25 minutes.
    12. Remove and allow to cool. If the sauce still seems soupy, don't fret! As it sits, it thickens and absorbs into the pasta. Enjoy!
    Seriously, if you are heading to any sort of fall, autumn or "harvest" potluck, or just having friends and family over for some food, this just a great fall dish. Even if you aren't into beer.
    So, let me know what you think, enjoy!
    Until next time
    Bottoms up my friends

    The Beer Czar

    Oct 15, 2014

    Cooking with beer - Beer-Candied Bacon

    I have posted this recipe before as part of a Fathers Day breakfast. I was actually asked to post it again on its own. So, here it is.....this look fantastic!

    Beer-Candied Bacon

    1 lb thick-cut, high quality bacon
    1/2 cup brown sugar
    1/4 cup + 2 tbsp beer ( I like to use a nice brown ale)

    Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Combine brown sugar and beer in a small bowl, whisking well to form a thin syrup. Set aside.
    Line a rimmed baking sheet with aluminum foil. Place a wire cooling rack on top. Place the pieces of bacon on top of the rack, overlapping if necessary. Place in oven and cook for 10 minutes.
    Remove from oven and brush one side of the bacon with the beer syrup. Flip, and coat the other side with the syrup as well. Return to oven and cook for 10 minutes. Remove from oven, and repeat process another time or two more, until bacon is crispy and browned, and you have used all the glaze.

    Cool on wire rack for at least 1 hour before serving.
    Until next time
    Bottoms up my friends
    The Beer Czar

    Oct 8, 2014

    Butterbeer recipe, made with actual beer!

    Harry and his odd looking friend with a Butterbeer
    Over the past few years, I've seen a fair number of "butter beer" recipes (the fictional drink enjoyed by Harry Potter and crew in that series of books and movies). Sadly, very few of them actually contained beer, and the ones that have, didn't even look good enough to warrant a try.

    Well, I saw this posted on line today, and I must say, this one looks good, and, well, rather timely given the time of year. A very simple recipe, involving only 2 ingredients (5 if you make your own butterscotch sauce, recipe for that below). This looks like it would be a prefect drink to make for a Halloween party, or even a Thanksgiving gathering (after dinner of coarse. It even looks like it did in the movies.

    Again, its super simple, and looks delicious!

    I originally found the recipe on, you can see their complete article here......

    Real Butter Beer Recipe….
    12 ounces of a sweet, pumpkin ale, like Wasatch or Pumking (or even, god forbid, Blue Moon Pumpkin)
    3 to 4 tablespoons butterscotch sauce (recipe below)

    1. To make hot Butterbeer: In a small saucepan over medium heat, combine beer and 3 to 4 tablespoons butterscotch sauce. Whisk occasionally, and cook until beer just begins to boil. Taste, and adjust with more butterscotch if necessary. Transfer to a mug.
    2. To make cold Butterbeer: Pour cold beer into a blender. As blender is running, carefully pour butterscotch in a steady stream. Blend until just combined. Avoid over blending (which can flatten the beer). Taste, and blend with more butterscotch if necessary. Transfer to a mug.

     For the Butterscotch sauce……

    4 tablespoons salted butter
    3/4 cup light-brown sugar
    2 tablespoons plus 1/4 cup heavy whipping cream, divided
    1 teaspoon vanilla extract


    1. In a heavy-bottom saucepan over medium heat, add butter and sugar. When butter is melted, whisk butter and sugar together and then whisk in heavy cream. Bring to a foamy boil, and cook 4 minutes, whisking occasionally, until mixture deepens in color.
    2. Turn off heat and carefully whisk in remaining 1/4 cup heavy cream, followed by vanilla extract.
    3. Transfer to a small 8-ounce mason jar. Do not scrape down sides of the pot (the burned-on caramel may make your sauce gritty). Allow butterscotch to cool slightly before securing with a lid. Store in the fridge for up to 2 weeks.

    Fills one 18oz Mason Jar….
    There you have it! Try that, and enjoy!
    Until next time
    Bottoms up my friends
    The Beer Czar

    Sep 30, 2014

    Caption Contest....

    OK, I don't know what we will have for a prize, but I wanted to have a caption contest. Since this photo may be considered "offensive" by some, I didn't want to post it directly on the Facebook page, so I just posted a link....

    OK, come up with the best caption/title for this photo!

    Milk Stout???
    Lets get creative!!!
    Until next time
    Bottoms up my friends!
    The Beer Czar

    Sep 12, 2014

    SLIF Vol. XVII

    It's back!! After taking the summer off, SLIF is back! I'm not sure if it will be back as the bi-weekly edition it was before, monthly, we shall see, but its back. I found some great stuff to share with you. A lot of which has to do with recent, or upcoming events that are taking place in the area. So, without further ado, here we go, SLIF!!

    Street Taco Festival this weekend!
    You've heard me talk a lot about El Palacio, the wonderful Mexican restaurant in Chandler that hosts some amazing beer dinners. Well, they also host a Street Taco festival, and its tomorrow, 4pm to 10pm at their restaurant in Chandler!! $5 admission, kids are free. Buying a ticket gets you into a raffle to win a vacation as well! What else do you get? How about taco eating contest, a salsa competition, live entertainment, a street taco station, a margarita hut, Corona’s sand bar, beach games and more!!! I will see you there!

    For more info, or tickets, stop by the restaurant, or go to

    SanTan Oktoberfest!!!

    October 4, 3pm to 11 pm!!! Chandlers own SanTan set to celebrate Oktoberfest in downtown again this year!! So break out your lederhosen and build up your tolerance, its always one hell of a celebration! Food, beer music and more, this one is a must! On, and this year, Reel Big Fish will be preforming! As well as Iration, and 80 Proof!! For more info, tickets and more check out the event site here.... Also, look for SanTan's Oktoberfest Beer in cans in stores now!!!

    How to order your Oktoberfest beer properly...

    Want to order that Lowenbrau or Spaten at Oktoberfest, but aren't quite sure how to pronounce them authentically, well, fret now more, Lowenbrau has a pronunciation guide for Oktoberfest, complete with audio! Check it out, its pretty here.

    D-backs Oktoberfest
    The Dbacks are hosting their own Oktoberfest coming up Sept. 26th at the Ballpark. Each Oktoberfest ticket package includes a 16 oz. D-backs Oktoberfest beer stein and access to an exclusive beer garden inside the ballpark. Click here to buy tickets.....

    There you have it! This weeks SLIF! As always, have a great, and happy weekend, be smart and stay safe!

    Until next time
    Bottoms up my friends!

    The Beer Czar