
Dec 30, 2014

Have a safe and happy New Year!

Just wanted to take a moment, and wish everyone a safe, and happy New Year! Been a great year, and I am looking very forward to 2015! Much changes and exciting stuff coming up!

As always, I would hope and expect that everyone parties responsibly this holiday. Remember, there is NEVER an excuse to drive drunk. Please behave like an adult, and make plans ahead of time. If you find yourself to drunk to drive, and no ride, don't drive. Call someone, or call AAA's Tipsy Tow.
Tipsy Tow is not just for AAA members, its for everyone, and if less the 10 miles, its totally free (after 10 miles, standard towing rates apply), for you, and one passenger.

Just called 1-800-AAA-HELP (1-800-222-4357). You just need to provide DL#, home address, and our current location.

For all their info click the link here.....

So, there, no excuse, make plans, or call. It would suck to spend New Years in jail, or dead!

Again, have a great, safe Happy New Year!!! As always, if you take some fun New Years beer shots, send them our way, love to post some!!!

Take care, see you in 2015!

Until next time
Bottoms up my friends!

The Beer Czar

1 comment:

  1. Hey dear, now it’s time to celebrate 2015 NYC events!! I know everyone love to do parties, and I am one among them. You know Last week I attended a party with my friends and we tasted new flavoured beer there.
