
Oct 24, 2014


Well, apparently, my calendar tells me that it is, yet again, Friday, and that can only mean one thing, another edition of SLIF! So, lets not wait around any longer, lets get right to it!!! Here you go, here is SLIF, edition XVIII !!!

The Muddy
Do you love stouts? I do, they are up there among my favorite styles. I especially like imperial Stouts. That is why I was pretty excited when I got my hands on a bottle of Goose Islands "The Muddy". A third beer in a series celebrating the city of Chicago and its history. According to the Goose Island website, this beer is brewed with "molasses, brewer’s licorice, and Belgian dark rock candi sugar, The Muddy is an imperial stout with amplified sweetness for a taste as distinctive as the Chicago blues that inspired its creation." The blues influence it refers to is of coarse the blues legend Muddy Waters, while not from Chicago, made some of his best music there. To me, this beer was more smooth then sweet, with only a faint hint of licorice (but just enough) a touch more of sugary sweetness. An easy to drink, smooth but very flavorful stout, this beer is perfect now that the weather is cooling off, and stronger, heftier beers are in order! You can learn more about the beer, and where to find it here....

The Beer Czar's Second Annual Pumpkin Beer Tasting!

This past weekend, I hosted my 2nd Annual Pumpkin Beer Tasting! It was a great, albeit small group of good folks, all getting together to blindly rate a selection of 8 very good, to great pumpkin beers! Want to see the beers we tried, and how they rated? Check out the link, and see what beer took our top spot, as well as where the other 7 beers came in!  (Pumpkin Beer Tasting link )

Pumpkin Beer Mac and Cheese
Speaking of pumpkin beer, one of the "snacks" I made for the pumpkin tasting was this kick ass recipe for Pumpkin Beer Mac and Cheese. This is one of those recipes that I was hoping was just half as good as I was hope it would be, and turned out to be even better! An easy recipe, for a GREAT dish for any fall gathering!! Check out the recipe is amazing!

Want to work at a Brewing?

Do want to work at a brewery? Or do you need work? Do you know someone that does? Well, if you live in the east valley, your in luck. Mesa's  first and only Brewpub is opening very soon, looking to hire some people for a number of positions, from dishwashers, to hosts, to line cook. So, if you or anyone you know wants, or is in need of work, check them out here.....

So, there you have to folks! Now, go forth into the weekend, and have a great time! As always, please remember, to have fun, but be smart, and stay safe, plan ahead!

Until next time
Bottoms up my friends

The Beer Czar

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