
Aug 12, 2014

Summer Beer Photos!!! 2014 edition!!!

Well, here it is folks, our 2nd Annual Friends and Fan's Photos Summer Beer pic's post! In case you've missed our past 'Friends and Fans Photo series, we've done a number of them. Summer beer pic's, winter beer pic's, 100th post Celebration, we try and mix it up a bit. These are among some of the most popular and fun posts we do, especially the summer photo ones. Almost all of these pic's were sent in, collected or brought to my attention by fans, and readers. In some cases, I saw these pic's on different Facebook group pages I belong to, and I got permission from the poster to use them

OK, now he's got the idea!!!

So, look forward to our next "Friends and Fan's Photos" post. Not sure what the theme will be, any ideas? Shower beer photos, Thanksgiving beer, beer in the outdoors? What do you think? Let me know....

Now, without further ado, here we have, 2014 Friends and Fans Summer Beer Photos! (hang in there, there are quite a few of them this year!)

Starting things off, a pic of myself in my parents pool, enjoying a traditional "shandy" my dad made for me. (learn more about that shandy here)
Here is my lovely shandy!

My dad, aka Papa Czar, enjoying one himself!
Sticking with the family for now, my older brother said he got his hands on some Sculpin all the way out in Maine this summer. I was happy for him, until I saw the pic of it! Not beer, but still funny, and pretty cool!

Here we see my fellow Franklin Pierce alum, and fellow Fine Arts Ed. student and current art educator,  Laura, enjoying a shandy of her own at the start of her vacation in New England! It looks like its off to a good start!
Here my fellow Fryeburg Academy alum, the lovely Libby, enjoying a day on Long Lake in Maine with her husband Gregg, an a couple of good beers! He's drinking a Newport Storm, while Libby enjoys a Sleeman's Honey Brown Lager...

We've seen these two hotties before! Nikki and Kayla beating the AZ heat with a couple of cold ones by the pool!
Here is Harpoon Brewing's Summer/4th of July pic submission, I included it for obvious reasons....

Another one of myself, the Beer Czar, and Mrs. Czar enjoying a couple of fine beers while taking in the sights and sounds of the amazing Stone Brewing Beer Garden in Escondido, CA (see more pics from the gardens here....)

Another fellow Fryeburg Academy classmate of mine, Adrienne enjoying a Shock Top, the sunshine and the pool! Not a bad way to spend the afternoon!

Honored to have the Brewmaster Seth of Tuckerman Brewing Company, in my old stomping grounds of Conway NH, enjoying one of their many tasty brews, and I would image, admiring his own impressive display of facial hair as well! Thanks Seth!
This is my former student teacher aid from NH, my good friend Crystol, enjoying a refreshing, cold Natty Light while trying to beat the muggy summer heat of West Virginia

Here is another of Crystol enjoying a drink of her own creation. She tried my summer shandy recipe, and didn't care for it too much, so she added some melon liquor, and that did the trick. We now call this "Crystol's Melon Shandy"
Here are some of my family in Mich. My mother in law Jan, enjoying a Shorts brew while showing off some of her new jewelry. My dear cousin Cari, enjoying her VERY FIRST beer, and she was kind enough to share it with us! Her very first beer? A Founders Oatmeal Stout, while sitting AT Founders no less!! No training wheels needed for her! Her husband Mark, is shown below, enjoying a Founders Porter! (good choice Mark, one of my favorites as well!)

More family photos! Here my little sister Leah and my darling niece Isabella enjoy a beer, and a root beer in the Stone Beer Garden in Oceanside, CA
You just never know who you may run into on summer vacation! Here I am, with none other then The Masked Blogster himself, touring Stone Brewery in Escondido, CA

More fellow collage classmates, Erin, and Becky (whom we all know from "Ghost Stories with Becky" enjoying a few cold ones while Becky was visiting Erin in VA this summer.
Facebook friend and previous contributor Roger, from CT enjoying a great beer and a smoke on the links....

....and some homebrew by the lake!!!

Here is my dear friend, and former co-worker, the lovely (and very flexible) Shelli, enjoying some beer yoga by the pool, with a Four Peaks Kiltlifter! I think we could do a whole post on beer yoga pics, who's with me?
One more Franklin Pierce alum Katie, former room mate and cheerleading team mate of my college girl friend, enjoying herself on the Jersey shore with a beer in hand, and an awesome hat!

An anonymous submission, but I wanted to share it anyway. Just a great island beer pic. Classic summer beer photo!

Facebook friend and member of the League of Extraordinary beer drinkers, Peggy, enjoying the sun and a fantastic beer on the CT shore!

OK, wouldn't be a summer beer pic post without at least one topless pic, and since no one sent any in this time (which is a first...don't worry, there is always next time) I got this off the Instragram sensation "The Topless Tour" Actually a cool internet trend that doesn't suck, and can be quite beautiful. This one was taken at Angels National Forrest in California.

 I got this one from fellow "League of Extraordinary Beer Drinkers" member Phil, with a stunning photo taken in Big Trees State Park, in Arnold, CA.
Here is fellow Beer Blogger "Beer Snob Chick" enjoying a beer at the Keystone Bluegrass and Beer Festival in Keystone CO. Check out her blog here.... (she is into beer yoga too!)

Here, my old college roommate Brian, enjoys a beer, and lobster role, at one my old hangouts, Cappy's, in Camden, MA!

Brian is a member of a sailing crew on the boat "Shamrock Sensation". Here they are taking a break and kicking back with a Guinness on deck.
(here is a look at the boat Brian crews on)

Eric, a member of "The League of Extraordinary Beer Drinkers" enjoying one fantastic IPA, on the banks of the Cumberland River, in Madison, TN.

League Member Eric, with a  collection of some very tasty beers at Big Bear Lake, CA

League member Ian, on Sunset Beach OR.

A sexy beer pic from League member Jessica, enjoying the few weeks of summer she gets to enjoy all the way up in Alaska!

John, from Rio Vita, CA

Fellow co-worker Malia, enjoying some Sierra Nevada White IPA poolside. Best way to keep cool in Arizona!!

None other then Mark Pyle, at The Breakwall, in Conneaut, OH

League Member Nathen, enjoying a classic at Tigers Stadium in Detroit.

Here, my friends and newlyweds Aren and Lauren enjoy a Granville Golden Lager atop Grouse Mt. in Victoria BC Canada!
Below, are a collection of beers from an old Fryeburg Academy classmate, and sister of my prom date, Rachel, enjoying some Guinness at some Irish Pubs, and more importantly, a Bud Light at a Sox Spring Training game in Jupiter, FL
Jacksonville, FL 

West Palm Beach, FL
What would be a Summer Beer Pic's post without at least ONE Oberon pic? Here, Vikki, member of the Facebook group "Beer Drinkers United" enjoys a bit of the sweet golden nectar on Burt Lake in Michigan.
Here is a set of photos from another High School classmate, that also now calls AZ home, Pete. Pete obviously takes beer, and relaxing seriously, and has a pretty cool cooler as well! Check these out!

 In Pete's pool, the beer gets its on raft!
The following photos are either anonymous submissions that I know nothing about, and the person submitting provided on additional info about them. They are some pretty cool photos, so I wanted to share them with you all. Check some of these out!
Very cool pic!
I think this is from an ad, but I don't care...

Classic! (but why Light?)
I thought this was a funny pic!

This pic is a riot!!!

Sexy pic!

I love these kinds of pics! Great summer beer pics!

OK, so only one decent cleavage shot this time....lets work on that
for the next one!
I want to thank everyone that submitted, or just allowed me to share their pictures! These are always popular posts, and I want to thank everyone for taking part!
Until next time
Bottoms up my friends!
The Beer Czar

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