
Jan 8, 2014

Fan Photos, volume III, this time, Winter Beer!!

The late, great Beer Czar correspondent, Uncle Gary
OK, its time again for another installment of "Fan Photos!" Its been far too long! In case you missed that last two, you can see them here and here.

Ahhh, Christmas beer!
Given that most of the country is in the midst of an enormous deep freeze, and given that Christmas is so recently in our rear view mirror, I thought doing a Winter Beer theme would be most appropriate.

So, be it you enjoying a beer out in the midst of the cold, enjoying a warm stout by the cozy fire, at a Christmas Party, New Years Party, or on the gold course here in sunny warm Arizona, we want to see your photos!!

Only rules, please don't pull picture's off the internet, please be photos either of you, or that you took yourself, and there must be a beer in the picture. Doesn't have to be craft (we love if it is, but its not necessary) Be it in a can, bottle, glass, red solo cup, whatever, just make sure there is a beer in the picture. Those are the only two rules (oh, and keep it at rated R, ok). Sky's the limit, so, if you have a great pic of you, enjoying a beer this winter, please share it with us!

The boys of New Holland enjoying the patio! (ok, I stole this one)

You can find us on Facebook here, and tag us
Email it us at
or tweet us at @thebeerczar

So, have it, these posts are always some of our most popular, and most fun, so have fun with it, and I look forward to seeing your photos!

Until next time
Bottoms up my friends!

The Beer Czar

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