
Jan 31, 2014

S.L.I.F. Vol. X!!!

Wow, 3 weeks of SLIF in a row! I hope that's a good thing! Well, its been a GREAT week for Arizona beer, and a lot is happening else where too, so, lets get right to it shall we, I present to you, for your approval, this week in SLIF, Volume X!

Best new Brewery in the World goes too.........
Arizona Wilderness Brewing Co.! Like I said, it was a great week for Arizona beer, and most specifically, my friends at Arizona Wilderness, Jon, Brett and Patrick were voted the best new brewery on the planet by Beating out all new breweries from around the world. Us here in Arizona couldn't be more happy, or more proud of these guys! They even made the local news, check I out below, and PLEASE, if you haven't been there yet, by all means, do yourself a favor, and go, you really have NO excuse now....." title="FOX 10 News - Phoenix, AZ | KSAZ-TV">FOX 10 News - Phoenix, AZ | KSAZ-TV
(Jon Hook even compares Jon to Steve Jobs???? Not bad company)

Amazing new map of Craft Beer in America.
The good folks at Frist We Feast did an amazing craft beer map of the United States, listing every brewery on a map. Sadly, this map is almost out of date as soon as it was published, since new brewerys are opening up every day, but still, it has almost all of the breweries, and where, it is awesome, check it out here.......

New Castle 'not' Super Bowl Ad
Anna Kendrick (Maine native by the way!) has a pretty funny "sort of" Super Bowl ad online for New Castle. I am sure you have already seen Budweiser's latest attempt at emotional exploitation with their new dog and horse, best buds commercial "Puppy Love", so I am not even going to post a link to it....(ok, I lied, so its a great ad, if you haven't seen it, check it out here....). Well, a Super Bowl ad came out (how is it a Super Bowl ad if it comes out a week before the Super Bowl?) for New Castle, that is, well, I think its really funny, check it out. (yeah, I think she is "beer girl" hot...)

Update...It's been grounded!
File this under the "it was fun while it lasted" Dept. Earlier this week, I posted a video of a brewery delivering beer via aerial drone, and, well, frankly, we here at The Beer Czar thought it was awesome (if you haven't seen it, check it out here.....). Well, it took the government all of a few days to crash (pun intended) all the fun. Seems this delivery method is not legal yet (yet!) and sent the brewery a 74 page letter explaining why (I am sure that is exciting reading...). Check out the full write up here....

So, there you have it. All this weeks happening wrapped up in one nice little package. Also, if you haven't seen it yet, check out our latest edition of "Friends and Fans Photos, Winter Beer Edition". Its a lot of fun!

Enjoy your weekend folks, be smart, and safe.

Until next time
Bottoms up my friends

The Beer Czar

Jan 29, 2014

Beer, delievered by drone!

Since it seems that most of the country is up to their chins in the snow, or ice, or at least freezing cold temps, why not report on a little piece about ice fishing, and beer!

Inspired by the 60 Minutes story about Amazon delivering goods via drone, Lakemaid Beer is delivering their frosty suds via a drone! It is just awesome, and makes me "almost" miss ice fishing back home in Maine.....check out the video here....

 I don't really recall too many hot blondes hanging out in our fishing parties, but hey, maybe things are different in Maine....
You can read the whole story here.....its really very cool, fun, and timely this time of year....
So drone, bring me a beer!
Until next time
Bottoms up my friends!
The Beer Czar

Jan 27, 2014

Friends and Fan's Photo's! Winter Beer!!

The guys from Arizona Wilderness. Photos taken on the same day, one in Ohio, one in Arizona. I'll take Arizona winter!

Well, I put out the call for photos, and you all answered in a big way! We got a lot of great pictures this go round, and I can't thank you all enough! Without further ado, grab a beer, light a fire, and try and stay warm as you take a look out how folks around the country try and fight cabin fever, while longing for warmer summer temperatures!
Here are your Winter Beer photos!

All I know about this one is, it was sent to me from a reader/Facebook fan from Minnesota. Great way to keep the beer cold!

The fine and talented folks at New Holland Brewing Co. in Holland, MI. Not letting a "little" snow keep them from enjoying their awesome patio (and even more amazing beer!)!

My good friend Jen Pruitt, ringing in 2014 whilst enjoying a beer with a friend at World of Beer in Gilbert! (Jen is on the left)


Another anonymous one sent to me from "somewhere in Eastern PA". All I know is this is a "winter stout" on their back patio. Cool picture though!

These three photos are from blacksmith and beer drinker in Mississippi, J.R. Clark. J.R. makes these bottle openers at his forge, where these pictures were taken. I asked if he had a link to order some of these, but he is currently unable to keep up with his current demand, but if he ever "goes public" with his openers, I will be sure to write about them, they are awesome, and I must say, extremely photogenic! Thanks J.R., great work!

These photos are sent to me from reader and Facebook fan Roger, from Conn. Enjoying some of his favorite brews, and keeping warm around the fire, or off roading in N Maine, in the Allagash Wilderness! I must say, I love the "yeti" photo too!
This is Amy, a beer lover, and first time brewer, enjoying her first brew day (first of many we hope!), all while "suffering" the harsh winter weather in Florida! Great shirt too Amy! Thank you! Enjoy the brew!
This is one of my older brother Don (elder Czar) and his friend, neighbor and drinking buddy Gary. Don is the one holding the beer, Oh wait, no, Don is the drunk looking one.....well, um, he's the one in the ugly, well, ok sorry, he is the shorter one.
Here is the lovely and ever faithful "Friend and Fans" contributor Kayla, with her equally lovely mother (and former softball teammate of mine) Lisa. Looking good ladies!
Anyone that reads this blog will know who is in this photo! Here is another great friend of The Beer Czar Blog.  That is my good friend from college and Beer Czar Contributor Becky. Seen here book-ended by fellow Franklin Peirce classmates Nicole on the left, and Erin (my former boss!) on the right! Enjoying a girls weekend on the Cape. Thanks for taking the time to pose for a pic ladies!
Got this from a reader in the "Midwest" of his girlfriend. He said he made her step outside to pose for this pic. It was -1 out. She looks like she is holding up well!! Hope her beer didn't freeze!
Here is reader Larry, enjoying from great winter weather in front of Squatters in Utah! Looks a little chilly, but that is some great beer though! Worth the weather I am sure!
Got this from reader Mike. This was the photo he used for his Christmas Card, so I think that qualifies it as a winter beer pic! Plus, there is a Merry Maker in the photo, a pretty decent Gingerbread Stout from Sam Adams!
Closest one I got to the popular "beer and boobs" post we always get for "friends and Fans". I guess its just a little too cold to show to much skin amidst this polar vortex, so this will have to do till spring.
I stole this from Tosh.0. How many beers deep was the snow where you were???
Again, I want to thank everyone that sent in photos, or let me use ones I saw that fit the bill! One of the best collections of "friends and fans photos" I think we've gotten. Great photos, of some great beers, and good times, as is should be!
So stay warm my friend
Until next time
Bottoms up!
The Beer Czar

Jan 24, 2014

S.L.I.F Vol. IX!

Well, what do you know, it appears to be Friday already, and while I normally only do SLIF every other Friday, however I had some stuff to share with you this week, so well, here you have, this weeks edition of SLIF!

The 5 Best Beers in the World....
I've said for a long time now "the greatest beer in the world, is the one in your hand". Well, this article takes that to the next level, and I love it! Great read, and I agree. While you are chasing down a whale, I'm enjoying a beer!!! Take a look at the article right here.....

12 Historic Bars every Book Nerd Needs to Visit...
My friend Brad and I at the bar at Big Nose Kate's
Now, many of you that know me, know I am a huge history buff, well, I am also a fan of beer, so when I see an article like this, I must read it! 12 historic bars with famous, historic former (and some current) cliental. Check out the write up in Buzz Feed here....

On a side note, if you are looking for a historic bar to have a beer at here in Arizona. You should head to Tombstone, and grab a beer at Big Nose Kate's. BNK's use to be The Grand Hotel, where the Earp's first stayed upon getting into town, and where they would frequent once they established themselves there. It is one of only 2 bar tops to survive the fire of 1882 (the other is at the Bird Cage Theater). So sit at the bar, and drink at the very same bar Doc Holliday, the Earp Brothers, Clanton's and many others sat at, its a great feeling.

Beer Flavored Jelly Beans...
In today's news of the wonderful, Jelly Belly has released "Draft Beer Flavored" jelly beans! Fashioned after a hefeweizen style beer, this is something every beer lover needs to at least try, and if they are good, have on hand at all times! Check it out here....

Friends and Fan Photos...
There is still time to get us your "Winter Beer Photos". We will be posting the friends and fans pic's next week at some point, so you have the weekend to get them to us! Click the link here to find out how to get us your photos......and to see the few rules we have....

Now, on the lighter side.....
I've been seeing a lot of "chatter" lately about folks remaking Patrick Swayze classics. It was bad enough that they did Red Dawn, but now there is talk of remaking "Roadhouse", which, to me, might be the greatest Swayze flick ever. Just to remind us all why you should leave Swayze to Swayze, lets all look back, and remember just how cool this dude was, in this PBR commercial from 1979... enjoy!

OK, you can remake "Ghost", but that's it!!

There you have this weeks edition of SLIF! Grab a beer, and kick off the weekend as soon as you can!

Until next time
Bottoms up my friends!

The Beer Czar

Jan 20, 2014

Arizona Beer Week! Strong Beer Festival, beer and brewers list.

Arizona Beer Week 2014 is fast approaching. One of the signature events of AZBW, is The Strong Beer Festival. Probably Arizona's most anticipated, best beer festival, the event has brewers from all over not just the state, but nation. Bringing with them rare gems rarely seen outside their brewery's own walls. This year, the 14th Annual Strong Beer Festival kicks off AZ Beer Week on Feb. 15th at Steele Indian School Park, at 300 E Indian School Dr, Phoenix AZ. For more info on the event, and where to get tickets, click this link here.....

Here is a list of breweries that will attending and some of the beer they will be pouring (as of this
time...I will update this list as need...)

Abbey Brewing Company

·         Monk’s Ale (Belgian Abbey Single) – ABV 5.2%

·         Monk’s Double (Belgian Abbey Dubbel) – ABV 7.4%
·         Monk’s Tripel (Belgian Abbey Tripel Reserve) – ABV 9.2%

Abita Brewing Co.
·         Abita SOS (Weizen Pilsner) – ABV 7%
·         Abita Andygator – ABV 8%

Bad Water Brewing
·         Bad Water Saison (Belgian farmhouse ale) – ABV 6%
·         Bad Water Western Lager (if available)

Avery Brewing Company
·         The Maharaja (Imperial IPA) – ABV 10.2%
·         White Rascal (Belgian WIT) – ABV 5.6%
Beaver St. Brewing Company
·         Belgian Trippel – ABV 10.5%
·        Bristlecone Brown (American Brown) – ABV 6.3%
·         Rio de Saison (Saison) – ABV 5.3%
Bell’s Brewery

·         Black Note (BBA Stout) – ABV 11.5%
·         Hopslam (DIPA) – ABV 10%
·         Oberon (American Wheat) – ABV 5.8%
Big Dog’s Brewing
·         Hounds of Winter (IPA) – ABV 7.5%
·         War Dog (Imperial IPA) – ABV 9%
·         El Perro Diablo (Belgian-style Strong Golden Ale) – ABV 9%
·         Leglifter Light (Light Ale) – ABV 4%
Big Sky Brewing Company

·         Ivan (Imperial Stout) ABV 12%
·         Big Sky IPA – ABV 6.2%
·         Bobo’s (Robust Porter) – ABV 6.2%
Borderlands Brewing Company
·         TBD
Breckenridge Brewer
·         471 IPA (Double IPA) – ABV 9.2%
·         Barleywine – ABV 10%
Cartel Brewing Company
·         F.Y.I.T.M (Imperial IPA) – ABV 9%
·         Desert Pale Ale (American Pale Ale) – ABV 5.6%
·         Christmas Ale (Porter) – ABV 6.7%
·         Coffee Brown (Nut Brown) – ABV 6%
Desert Eagle Brewing Company
·         Imperial Adler (Imperial Oatmeal) – ABV 12.6%
·         Route 66 (IPA) – ABV 7.5%
·         Black Sugar (Rum and Oak-aged Imperial Stout) – ABV 9%
Dragoon Brewing Company

·         Dragoon IPA (American IPA) – ABV 7.3%
·         Biere del Bac (Belgian Quad) – ABV 10.6%
Epic Brewing
·         Brainless IPA (Belgian-style IPA) – ABV 6.4%
·         Brainless Raspberries (Belgian-style with fruit) – ABV 10%
Four Peaks Brewing Company
  • Sirius Black - 9%
  • 2010 Bourbon Barrel Aged Hopsquatch - 11.5% Bourbon Barrel Aged Kilt Lifter - 6% Bourbon Barrel Aged Bonehead Red - 8% Bourbon Barrel Aged Ryewine - 11% Tequila Barrel Aged Raj IPA - 7% Wine Barrel Aged Cherry Baltic Porter - 7.7%
  • Double Knot - 9%
  • 2012 Hopsquatch - 11.5%
  • Diablo Rojo - 9.2%
  • Weizenbock Collaboration - 7.5%
  • 2011 Winter Wobbler (Ryewine) - 9.2%
  • 2012 Winter Wobbler (Black IPA) - 7%
  • Odelay - 8.1%
  • Kilt Lifter - 6%
  • Sunbru - 5.1%
  • Hop Knot - 6.7%
  • Raj IPA - 6.9%
  • 8th Street Pale Ale - 4.7%
Firestone Walker Brewing Co.
·         Two strong ales (names TBD)
Gordon Biersch
·         Winterbock – ABV 8%
·         Blonde Bock (golden lager) – ABV 7.2%
·         Hefeweizen -  ABV 5.2%
·         Marzen (Oktoberfest-style auburn lager) – ABV 5.7%
Grand Canyon Brewing Company
·         TBD
Great Divide Brewing Company

·         Espresso Oak-Aged Yeti (Imperial Stout) – ABV 9.5%
·         Orabelle (Belgian-style Tripel) – ABV 8.3%
·         Hercules Double IPA – ABV 10%
·         Peach Grand Cru (Grand Cru) – ABV 12.2%
Huss Brewing Company
·         Snowbird Imperial Oatmeal Stout Destihl Collaboration Beer
·         That’ll Do IPA – ABV 7%
·         Rice Pudding Porter – ABV 5%
Lagunitas Brewing Company
·         Hairy Eyeball (Dangerous) – ABV 9.4%
Lost Coast Brewing Company
·         Winterbraun (Imperial Brown) – ABV 8%
·         Double Trouble (Double IPA) – ABV 8.4%
Lumberyard Brewing Co.
·         Highwater (Imperial IPA) – ABV 9.5%
·         Big Rapid Red (Imperial Red) – ABV 9.3%
·         Knotty Pine Pale Ale (American Pale Ale) – ABV 5.4%
Marble Brewery
·         Double White  - ABV 7%
·         Imperial Red – ABV 9%
·         Double IPA – ABV 8%
·         Imperial Stout – ABV 11%
Mother Road Brewing Company

·         Alternator – ABV 6.5%
·         2nd Anniversary – ABV 8.4%
·         Lost Highway - ABV 8%
·         Gold Road – ABV 4.3%
North American Breweries
·         Magic Hat (Pale Ale) – ABV 5.1%
·         Magic Hat Dream Machine (Lager) – ABV 5.7%

Oak Creek Brewing Company

·         Cherry Chocolate Porter (Porter) – ABV 6.5%
·         Olde Knicker Kicker (Scotch Ale) – ABV 11%
OHSO Nano Brewery
·         Barley Wine
·         Imperial IPA
·         Strong Belgian Park
·         Stout
Old World Brewery
·         Dark Knight Porter (Robust Porter) – ABV 6.8%
·         Four Leaf Irish Red – ABV 5.5%
·         Arizona Honey Wheat (American Wheat) – ABV 5.2%
·         Highlander Scotch Ale – ABV 8%
Oskar Blues Brewery
·         Dale’s Pale Ale – ABV 6.5%
·         Mama’s Little Pils (Pilsner) – ABV 5.3%
·         Old Chub Scotch Ale – ABV 8%
·         G’Knight Imperial Red IPA – ABV 8.7%
Papago Brewing Co.
      ·         Breckenridge Collaboration – Mango Chile IPA
·         Orange Blossom Mandarin Orange Vanilla Wheat Beer
·         Lil Joe Coconut Coffee Stout
Phoenix Ale Brewery

·         Keeper (Biere de Garde) – ABV 6.3%
·         Camelback IPA – ABV 6.1%
·         Watermelon Ale (Flavored Wheat) – ABV 4.8%
·         Ironwood Porter (Imperial Porter)
Prescott Brewing Company
·         Raven Maniac Stout (Imperial Stout) – ABV 9.5%
·         Ponderosa IPA (American IPA) – ABV 7%
·         Liquid Amber (Amber) – ABV 5%
·         Achocolypse (Chocolate-Vanilla Porter) – ABV 6%
Redstone Meadery
·         Nectar of the Hops – ABV 8%
·         Black Raspberry – ABV 8%

SanTan Brewing Company
·         TBD
Sierra Nevada Brewing Company

      ·         2014 Bigfoot (Barleywine) – ABV 9.6%
·         Narwhal (Imperial Stout) – ABV 10.2%
·         Tuthless Rye (IPA) – ABV 6.6%
Sun Up Brewing Co.
·         White Russian Imperial Coffee Stout – ABV 9.2%
·         Sun Up Barleywine – ABV 9.5%
·         Sun Up Double Bock – ABV 7.5%
THAT Brewery
·         Imperial Doppelsticke (Alt Bier) - ABV 10%
·         Road Rash IPA (American IPA) – ABV 7%
·         Chai Stout (Dry Stout) – ABV 5.2%
·         Arizona Trail Ale (English Pale) – ABV 6%
The Bruery
·         Sour in the Rye (American Style Sour) – ABV 7.6%
·         Humulus Lager (India Pale Lager) – ABV 7.2%
·         Bois (Old Ale aged in Bourbon barrel) – ABV 15%
·         Melange #3 (Strong Ale aged in Bourbon barrel) – ABV 16.8%
The Great Beer Company, Inc.
·         Hollywood Blonde Kolsch style – ABV 5.3%
Thunder Canyon Brewing Company
·         Old Shaftburry IPA (English IPA) – ABV 5.5%
·         Double Diablo (American Strong Ale) – ABV 7.1%
·         Black Cloud IPA (American Black Ale) – ABV 7.8%
·         Orange U Glad (Orange Wheat) – ABV 4.2%
Uncle Bear’s Brewhouse Grill
·         Holiday Hound – ABV 8.3%
·         Oak-aged Holiday Hound – ABV 8.3%
·         Stout – ABV 6.5%
·         Double IPA – ABV 8.3%
Upslope Brewing Company
·         Pale Ale – ABV 5.8%
·         Foreign Style Stout – ABV 6.9%
·         IPA – ABV 10%
Wanderlust Brewing Company
·         928 Local (Belgian-style Farmhouse) – ABV 8%
·         Shakedown Baltic Porter (Whiskey barrel-aged Baltic Porter) – ABV 10%
       There have been a few changes to this list since I uploaded it. I will work on adding the new edition, and letting you all in.
      Ok, so, as you can see, there will be just a ton of breweries, pouring a ton of amazing beers, so even the most finicky of beer snobs should be able to find a few beers that even they will enjoy. For the rest of us normal, fun folks, there will be enough there to keep us going for days, sadly, this is only one, look at the list, and map your strategy, that is a lot of beer to try!!
I hope to see you there everyone!!!
Until next time
Bottoms up my friends
The Beer Czar