
Sep 13, 2013

S.L.I.F.!!! (Sorry Liver, it's Friday!)

Happy Friday to you all! We've made it through yet another week, and for that, congrats, you deserve a
beer, you should probably get yourself one, right now!

I didn't have anything real pressing or interesting to share with you that warranted a single post of its own, but I did have a number of useful tidbits and info I wanted to share, so I figured I would just wrap them all up in a pretty, single package, and share them all with you at once. I might even make this a regular Friday thing, or at least semi regular, we shall see.

Who wants a great Taco, and a good time???
A reminder, tomorrow, Saturday the 14th, don't miss the Rockin Taco Street Festival at El Palacio in Chandler (on Gilbert and the 202). Just note, the contest noted in that post is now closed.

Are you a fan of white chocolate?

Good news for lovers of Sonoran Brewing Company's White Chocolate Ale. This wonderful, unique Arizona favorite is now available in 6 packs!! So look for it at your favorite beer store any day now!

Almost pumpkin beer season!
I know its hard here in Arizona to be thinking of fall beers and pumpkin ales already when its still in the 100's, but its that time of year again (in fact, I've been seeing fall beers in stores for weeks now). As is normally the case, I get a lot of folks asking me this time of year for my recommendations for good pumpkin beers. Well, we will be doing a pumpkin beer tasting coming up very soon ( the 1st Annual Pumpkin Beer Tasting featuring The Masked Blogster will be coming up!! Details to come!), but in the mean time, here is a pretty solid list of some great pumpkin beers.....Top 10 Pumpkin Beers. The list is a very solid one, I will disagree with just one on the list. My apologies to all my Maine faithful, but I think Pumpkinhead by Shipyard is a below average pumpkin beer at best. Buffalo Bills is a better option in my opinion. Aside from that, 9 solid beers!

Seriously brilliant!
Must have Tailgating gadgets for the beer lover!
As is always the case, the fine folks at Keg Works have come up with another great list. This one, is ""10 Tools for Tailgating" and, well, there is some great stuff on the list! My favorite, and its so friggin brilliant in its simplicity, is the "Go Plate"! Seriously, how many problems does this one simple innovation solve? Just awesome!

We want you!!!
Do you have a favorite brewery/brew pub? A favorite beer you want everyone to know about? Do you have a fun or interesting story to tell folks about a trip to a brewery, or having a great beer after a long hike? We want you to share it with us! We are looking for guest contributors to The Beer Czar! You can write about anything you want, as long as it is just somewhat beer related. Funny, serious, informative, it can be any, or all of those things. If you are interested, please drop me a line at with some details, and we will get you posted here on The Beer Czar! We would love to have you! Check out a few of our past guest contributors!

A Look at Colorado - contributed by an old family friend, Jon
A Short Tour of Washington Brewery's - contributed from my good friend Daniell
Touring Sam Adams - contributed by my good friend (and Daniell's husband) Bobby

So please, if you have some fun beer stories or whatever, please, share them! (if you can include photos, that would be great, but if you don't have any, not a problem)

That's about all for this first edition of "SLIF", hope to bring you more in the future!

Have a safe and happy weekend everyone
Until next time
Bottoms up my friends

The Beer Czar

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