
Sep 10, 2013

Rockin’ Taco Street Fest, and the Beer Czar wants to give you two tickets!

OK, disclaimer first thing, I know this isn't totally beer related, but let me say this. El Palacio is very
supportive of local breweries, and as far as Mexican restaurants go (they aren't always known for their tap selection) you won't find a better beer selection at one then you will find at El Palacio. You've read my write up's on their amazing beer dinners after all. Besides, they are a great bunch of folks over there, serve amazing food,  and I wanted to do what I could to spread a little love their way.

OK, that being said, this weekend, they are having a street taco festival! You've heard me say it before, but I'll say it again, if there is one thing I love almost as much as I love beer, its a taco, and the ones at El Palacio are as good as they come!

The festivities start this Saturday at 4 pm. There will be food, margaritas, beer, games, contests (mustache contest, and taco eating contest), a kid zone with pinatas, you name it.

The best part, there will be a raffle, and the grand prize, a trip to Ensenada Mexico!! The trip is for two to Ensenada will be given away to one lucky raffle ticket holder. Each $5 admission ticket automatically receives one raffle ticket; additional tickets will be available for $5 each or 2 for $8 the day of the event. Also, all participants in the taco eating and mustache contest will get FREE admission to the Rockin’ Taco Street Fest.

Oh, did I mention, live entertainment....I didn't? Well, there is live entertainment that includes performances
by Ballet Folklorico Quetzalli-AZ, DJ Hanzerelli and the Latino Rebel Band:

Here is the schedule.....

4-4:45 p.m.    Ballet Folklorico
5-5:15 p.m.    Taco Eating Contest, $100 cash prize
5:15-6 p.m.    Ballet Folklorico
6-6:15 p.m.    Mustache Contest, $100 cash prize
6:15-7:45 pm  DJ Hanzerelli
7:45-7:55 pm. Ensenada Raffle, do not have to be   present to win
8-10 p.m.        Latino Rebel Band

The famous Papas and Beer, in Ensenada!
As started above, admission is just $5 a person, but we want to help you with that. Email me at, in the subject line put "contest" and you will be entered to win a drawing for 2 tickets (remember, that also enters you in the raffle for the trip to Ensenada too don't forget!)

Good luck!
Until next time
Bottoms up my friends

The Beer Czar

You can read the entire press release here....

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