
Aug 30, 2013

The Beer Czar, co-hosting Maskerpiece Theater Podcast again!

This week, I sat down with The Masked Blogster, for this weeks installment of Maskerpiece Theater! Listen in, as we tape this week at Pop Culture Paradise Comic shop in downtown Tempe AZ. Where we discuss Miley Cyrus at the VMAs, the "new" Batman, Marble Brewing, and how some people or company's market and brand themselves. We also discuss the rapid growth of the East Valley Beer scene, and of coarse, the "Bronson of the Week" (beer of the week for you non regular listeners). Just a quick note, the first 10 minutes and 30 seconds is an interview with an adult film star, so, if that sort of thing offends you, please don't listen to it, and then complain to me it offended you, either don't listen, or skip ahead to 10:30, that is where I join in the conversation...

So, until next time
Bottoms up my friends

The Beer Czar

Aug 29, 2013

Just a few announcements, house keeping updates etc...

Just wanted to take a little time to update you all on a few things, changes, updates etc, as well as a little
news from around the valley beer world.

First off, I guess, for a while now, Google+ was enabled on my account, and I didn't realize it. Only folks with Google+ accounts could leave comments. Well, I fixed that, now, anyone can leave a comment, so please, comment on....

Next, if you would like, please add your email to our list, to receive any updates on this blog directly to you email!!! Its that easy.... follow the link below...

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Next, we have a new logo!!!! I really want to thank my brother in law for creating this new logo for us! We love it, check it out!

Now a few exciting updates from around the valley. 

Construction on World of Beer - Gilbert starts next week!!! Won't be long now!

Arizona Wilderness Brewing is having their grand opening this Monday, the 2nd. 11-close!! Just a tip, if you want to get a growler filled, you will need to bring your own, they ran out of their own branded growlers earlier this week. Good news, bring an extra $12 and get yourself an AZ Wilderness hat, while supplies last (which I am assuming won't be long!)

There is your news for the week!

Until next time
Bottoms up my friends

The Beer Czar

Aug 28, 2013

The Perch, coming soon to downtown Chandler

***Update: I spoke with James Swann a few days ago. As of 10/16, they are a little over a month out from opening. 35 to 45 days. Due to the government stalemate, um, I mean "shutdown", the opening of the brewery will most likely be pushed back a bit, but no date was given for that. When I get more info, I'll pass it along. Thank you,      

The Beer Czar


Most of you that follow this blog have at least heard the name, James Swann, the former beer guy at the
Watering Hole in Whole Foods Chandler. Well just recently, James vacated his post there, to help start up a new nano brewery and beer bar called "The Perch" in the southern end of Chandler's historic downtown district. If you know Chandler, The Perch is on Wall Street, directly west of Planet Sub, if that makes sense. Tucked away in a hidden, shaded section of town, in an area known as "The Shops on Wall Street", the site is unassuming, and for now, easy to miss. In fact, my parents have lived a mile from there for almost 20 years, and I never knew anything was back there.
The patio to the left of the walkway. 
The entrance....
To say this site is unique, is a huge
understatement. The building looks as if it grew out of the ground around it 100 years ago. Like the olive tree covered patio out front, the building is just a natural, well placed gem, that will prove to be one of the most comfortable, relaxing places to enjoy a beer or two. A great date place too I can imagine!
The roof top patio, wave to the Mayor!
One of the unique aspects of the new place, is going to be the rooftop patio. Covering the entire top of the bar/dining area, the roof top patio is going to have a bar (just wine and beer), pergola, comfortable seating, great views, and best of all, will be cigar friendly!!! You can even wave to the mayor (his office is visible from there) while you sip your beer, and puff your cigar atop the perch.

From what James has told me, the food, in a word is going to be, fresh. Salads, sandwiches, hand made pizzas, most everything made on site, with generous helpings. It was described to me as big, fresh, southwestern gastropub fare.
There will be an onsite brewery (I was told by Andrew Bauman, the brewmaster, its going to be the most beautiful brewery in the state of Arizona, and I think he might be right!), with 5 of the 25 tap handles dedicated to their own in house brew, while the remaining 20 will be guest taps, some static, others routing, with a fair mix of local brews offered up as well.
The newly topped bar and beer cooler behind it.
All in all, this place is going to be just so cool, unique, and comfortable. Even with all the construction mess going on right now, you can totally see the potential this place has, and will soon become.
They will be opening "softly" sometime around the end of Oct, with a grand opening celebration sometime in Nov. The brewery will not be brewing up their own brews till about January, with their beers available to the public sometime in Feb.

This will be the brewing area, behind the restaurant
Check back on regularly, I will make sure I am keeping you all updated with the most up to date information I can get you regarding this new and exciting venture.

Until next time
Bottoms up my friends

The Beer Czar

Aug 27, 2013

What would you do for free beer? Nothing? OK......

This is a pretty cool idea. In an attempt to get people to slow down, and take a little break, the folks at Amstel have decided to reward folks for doing just that, nothing, for 3 minutes with a beer.
Its called the "Amstel Pause". All you have to do, is, well nothing.You have to stand still, and do nothing for just 3 minutes. If you can do that, the machine rewards your lack of hard work with a free can of Amstel. OK, so its not the best beer in the world, but its free, and that makes it a good beer in many respects. Check out this short video.....

Very cool! I was able to find a few stats on this machine;
"An average of 84 people took part each day with a total of 1,344 beers dispensed, resulting in 4,032 minutes (more than 67 hours) of rest"
So, the folks at Amstel are doing their part in reducing the stress level in Bulgaria, one beer at a time.

How cool would it be is you could walk into a mall, or park, here in the states. Stand on a machine for 3 minutes, without answering your cell phone, looking at folks walking passed you, all those distractions, and get a nice cool can of beer? OK, I think some American brewer's should look into this!!!

So, lets take 3 minutes, do nothing, and reward ourselves with a beer!!

Remember, the best beer in the world, is the one in your hand!

Until next time
Bottoms up my friends

The Beer Czar

Aug 25, 2013

Beer is flowing in the Wilderness!!!

Tap Handles
Estralla Pale
Last night, I was lucky enough to stop by Arizona Wilderness Brewing,
as they opened their doors to the public for the very first time! After what seemed like years (just to me, I can't imagine how long it must have felt for Jonathan, and his crew!) I was able to walk into their pub, and order up a pint of beer, brewed right here in my adopted hometown of Gilbert Arizona! It was a sort of "soft" opening, with 3 of their beers on tap. Their Little Guy Rye, which I had, and was refreshing, very enjoyable, and very drinkable. My wife had their Sedona Secret Red, and I got a taster of their Estralla Pale Ale, a smooth, insanely drinkable session pale, that goes down smooth and easy, even after several, I can imagine.

My first AWB!

They were opened from 3-9, but my wife and I didn't get there till about 8:30, but it was still a virtual who's who of the valley beer scene, and what I was told, we missed most of the crowd! James and Andrew from The Perch were there (pretty much all day from what I was told) Ian from Ground Control, even ran into Anthony from San Tan, all their offering up there support, and well wishes for the guys at Arizona Wilderness Brewing Co.
Its been a long time coming for these guys. They dealt with set backs, and road blocks all along the way, but thanks to their passion and persistence (and maybe even some stubbornness) they plowed forward, and managed to finally get their doors opened last night.

If you are in the area of Arizona Ave and Guadalupe (yes, that is Gilbert!) check them out on the SE
Corner (behind the bagel shop). You would be hard pressed to find a nicer bunch of guys pouring beer in the valley. They brew up some great beers, and have an awesome, comfortable place to sit and enjoy them. So, please, stop by, introduce yourself, I guarantee you, you will want to come back, again and again.

They will be having a Grand Opening Celebration coming up next week, Labor Day, Sept 2nd. They will have a few more beers on tap as well!! The party starts at 11, and ends when they kick you out!

So please, join me, in giving Jonathon, Brett, Patrick
and the rest of the bunch at Arizona Wilderness a heart felt congratulations on all their hard word, and on their dream coming to fruition. Its well worth the stop, trust me!

Congrats guys, you've certainly earned it!

Until next time
Bottoms up my friends

The Beer Czar

Aug 21, 2013

Guest Contributor - A look at Colorado

As many of you know, from time to time I am lucky enough to have a guest contributor on this little blog. I love them, because not only does it expand the reach of this blog, taking us places that I haven't been, can't get to, and in a lot of cases, may never get the chance to experience. It also add's a certain depth, and preservative that just one person can not bring all on their own.
You can't argue, its one of the most beautiful places on earth
Well, I am happy to present to you all, for your reading pleasure, our next guest contributor, Jon. Jon is actually an old family friend from my days growing up in Maine. His dad was the dean of students at my high school at the time, as well as the piano player in my dad's church. My family has known Jon and his family since I would guess the late 80's. Jon travels a lot for work, all over the world in fact, so, lets keep our fingers crossed that we will hear more from Jon again soon! So, let Jon give you a quick look at one of his favorite beer destinations (well, its a lot of peoples favorite!), Colorado! So, crack open a rocky mountain brew, crank up the John Denver, and enjoy!.

Hiking and Beer!
I travel around the country (and the world sometimes) as a consultant helping raise money for non-profits,
churches, and schools.  When I’m on the road, I’m always on the lookout for microbreweries to visit and/or tour.  Colorado is one of my favorite places for many reasons, the top two likely being the mountains and beer.  In the past couple of years, I’ve had the privilege to visit more than 20 breweries in this great state.  Most of them are within an hour of Denver, and most are very good!

Here are a few of my favorites:

Fate (Boulder) – this new brewery just opened in early 2013, and also has an impressive food menu.  I was fortunate to visit on a day they were featuring their Coffee IPA.  Among several other winners, this beer is incredible.  The brewer likes to experiment.  Also on the menu was a Watermelon Kolsch Style Ale, a rye wheat beer called Ryedorado, and a black and white IPA called Jacko that they don’t charge for if you order it while wearing a white glove.

Sour room at New Belgian
New Belgium (Ft. Collins) – this is absolutely the best brewery tour/experience I have ever had outside of Guinness in Dublin (and maybe better – just not in Dublin).  They brew several good beers that most of the Beer Czar’s readers likely know, but they dedicate a lot of effort to their limited releases (the Lips of Faith series) and their latest creation the Coconut Curry Hefeweizen is pretty special.  It’s not overloaded with coconut, but has just a hint of that flavor and it makes for a very good brew!  Also interesting on their tour is an entire room filled with 35 former wine vats from wineries that can no longer use them.  They have recently dedicated this space to developing various sour beers – something that I wasn't really looking forward to.  I must say, although I don’t think I’ll be going to the liquor store hunting them down, they were pretty interesting and much better than I would have thought.  Another thing to note about New Belgium is their back story – the brewery was born out of the founders bike trip through Belgium.  They treat their employees like royalty, and at the ten year anniversary, send them to Belgium on their own brewery bike tour.

Denver Beer Company (Denver) – this relatively new brewery is right in downtown Denver – not too far off the end of the main walking street, and just two blocks from perhaps the greatest REI store in existence. Their beers are pretty solid – my favorites are the Graham Cracker Porter and the Belgian Cherry Candy Crusher.  They have a great outside spot with picnic tables, board games, and it is one of the best spots in Denver to grab a drink if you've been working downtown. Or you’re just passing through on your way to some other breweries.

Upslope (Boulder) – One of the beers they are well known for is their Thai IPA.  While it’s not my favorite, they also make a Cabernet IPA that is phenomenal.  It is just as it sounds – an IPA aged in used oak cabernet barrels that has a sweet, but rich
wine taste.  I’m not totally sold on barrel aged beers yet as most I’ve had tend to have just a bit too much going on for me, but I could drink this one all day.  Another beer worth mentioning here is the Milk Stout, which in my opinion rivals or is better than the more well known Left Hand Milk Stout (also very, very good) from just up the street in Longmont.

Above are just a few of my recent favorite spots.  Here is a list of several I’ve visited that I would recommend while in the Denver area:

Avery Brewing (Boulder)
Boulder Beer Company (Boulder)
Fate Brewing (Boulder)
Upslope Brewing (Boulder)
Denver Beer Company (Denver)
Prost Brewing (Denver)
Strange Brewing (Denver)
New Belgium (Ft. Collins)
Odell Brewing (Ft. Collins)
Mountain Toad Brewing (Golden)
Left Hand Brewing (Longmont)
Oskar Blues Brewing (Longmont)

Remember, these breweries are all at least 5,000’  and most of these beers are pretty high in alcohol content.  Samples are your friend for a day of beer tasting!

Colorado also has more cans readily available than any other place I’ve been.  The reason: so you can take them hiking and pack in and pack out responsibly without the weight of bottles.  Genius!  New Belgium has started canning more of its beers just for this reason (or so they claim….).

A final awesome note about Colorado.  Not only do they have what I believe is the best beer scene of any state, they have arguably the best music venue anywhere: Red Rocks is just minutes west of Denver.  There, they serve up awesome music and the best beer selection of any venue you’ll visit.  I was there to see Queens of the Stone Age last week.

Jon Sturdevant

I want to thank Jon again for his contribution. Colorado is a great place to spend a few days, or a week, for so many reasons, beer being just one of them. If you get a chance to visit the Rocky Mountain state, we would love to hear about it. Or, if you have an great beer travel stories, or recommendations, by all means, please drop me a line, we would love to have you contribute. Thanks again to my friend Jon, nice work, keep it up, hope to hear more soon!

Until next time
Bottoms up my friends

The Beer Czar

Aug 16, 2013

Heros 19 in the Valley this weekend!

AWB's new logo
First off, let me say, hello, remember me? Yes, sorry, things in the life of the Beer Czar have been fairly  hectic, and busy this summer, and I feel I have been neglecting the blog as of late. Well, let me assure, the next few weeks, and months, things in the Arizona beer community are going to get very exciting, and I am still going to bring the latest and greatest news of it all! In the coming weeks, we have a couple of new brewery's opening their doors (Huss Brewing in Tempe, and YES, finally Arizona Wilderness Brewing in Gilbert will be opening its doors
The Perch
Sept 2nd!!!) as well as James Swann's new adventure "The Perch" will be opening in downtown Chandler in Oct. San Tan has a new seasonal coming out in Sept (Super Monk Belgian IPA, I'll have more ont hat very soon as well), and well the list seems to go on and on. These are exciting times my friends, so stay tuned for more specifics on the events I just mentioned.

I can think on better way to kick off all this great news then this, its finally here folks! The collaborative brew Heros 19, brewed by the Arizona Brewers Guild at Prescott Brewing's brewing facility in Prescott, this is the beer they brewed up with 19 types of hops, and a 19 on the color scale (SRM's for you folks that speak "beer geek") to honor the 19 fire fighters that gave their lives fighting the fire in Yarnell just over a month ago. It was tapped first at Prescott Brewing this passed week, and this weekend, makes it way to the valley.
Check out any valley brew pub this weekend (click here for a look at all the members of the Brewer's Guild). There is a special event in Downtown Chandler tomorrow, meant to honor and thank all fire fighter. Its from 11 to 2. So swing by, shake a fireman's hand, say thank you, and grab a pint of two of Hero's 19 (100% of the proceeds for this beer go to support the families of the fallen Granite Mountain Hotshots crew by the way!).

Here is what the brewery said about the brew...
"Heroes 19 is an American Brown Ale that's a little lighter in color than a regular brown ale. This beer starts with a slight malty nose with a definite hop aroma, light brown in color. Taste wise you'll notice a light toasty character followed by a hint of caramel with a pronounced hop flavor and a nice lingering hop bitterness.
 It was brewed on July 19th. It has a color of 19 SRM (geek talk...), and was brewed with 19 different hops, all donated by individual Guild members. The malt was donated by Briess Malting Co. and the distribution and warehousing is being done, gratis, by Hensley."

If you would like to grab a pint, but aren't sure where to find it, feel free to hit me up at and I will be happy to point you in the right direction!

Again, stay tuned for more upcoming events here in the east valley, lots going on! What a great way to end the summer!

Until next time
Bottoms up my friends

The Beer Czar

Aug 7, 2013

Live and Let Live? A Beer Czar Rant....

Live and let live? Doesn't anyone still "live" this way anyway? It appears that less and less of us are doing so these days.
Case in point, I recently did a post on here "Friends and Fans Summer Beer Pic's" This was a very popular
The offending photos, is it really "offensive"? I don't think so
 piece, that it seems 99% of my readers enjoyed, and shared with their friends (and for that, I thank you very much!). However, I did receive a little feedback about the post that was not favorable. What was the problem? Well, it seems there was just a little too much skin on display in this post, as well as portraying beer as "low class" and "fratboy-ish". A down shirt sort of "cleavage and beer" shot, and a shot of a young lady enjoying a beer and the sun on a topless beach somewhere in Mexico, were among a few of the offending photos. Nether of these pic's were anything you wouldn't see in a PG or PG 13 rated movie, yet a few people felt they were "offensive" enough to
warrant the time to sit, and let me know how they felt. They felt this was "off topic" had nothing to do with beer, they felt I was using boobs as a cheap way to gain hits to my blog (I wasn't, but its not a bad idea....). They felt I was being lazy, and immature. One of the respondents even went so far as asking me how I would feel if my 12 year old son saw what I posted? (for one, I don't have a 12 year old son, I do have a 12 year old daughter however, and my first question to her would be "what the heck are you doing surfing beer sites at 12 anyway?) Trust me, if your 12 year old boy wants to see boobs on the internet, and he is looking at my blog, he's an idiot. There are far better places to see them then on this site, trust me, just Google image search for "boobs" and see what happens.

My question, when did people become so thin skinned? Why do we take offense to everything? Even if we do see something offensive, why do we feel the need to address it with that person? I love beer, I find nothing offensive about it. Yet, I've worn my "Respect Beer" t shirt in public, and more then once, have had people snicker at it, or even make a comment about how beer is destructive, should be more sensitive. To whom? For what? You don't like it, I do, but I have to alter the way I live, because you are too weak to handle my lifestyle choice? What a wimp.
Why does the "offended" seem to have all the power these days anyway? Why is the "offender" automatically the guilty party? Just because you are offended, doesn't mean you right. Nor does it grant you any right over anyone else to even suggest that the person you find offensive act or do anything any differently, simply because you are offended by what they do, or say, or wear.

Is this offensive? Some say yes.
Like my favorite Stephen Fry quote "so, your offended, so fucking what? (the entire quote is "“It's now very common to hear people say, 'I'm rather offended by that.' As if that gives them certain rights. It's actually nothing more... than a whine. 'I find that offensive.' It has no meaning; it has no purpose; it has no reason to be respected as a phrase. 'I am offended by that.' Well, so fucking what.”). Your offended by something I find entertaining and unoffensive, so what? I don't care, I don't apologize for it. If you are offended by this blog, that is fine, please don't read it. It really is that easy, but please, if you do read it, and are offended by something, don't bother taking the time to write me, to tell me that you were offended, I don't really care. I am not a jerk, I just don't concern myself with people that take issue with the way I choose to live my life, plain and simple. Don't ask me to change what I do if you don't like it, I don't ask you of anything.

So, if the site of beer, or a bare breast, or a few certain swear words offends you, please don't come to this site, and a word of advice, you should probably just stay off the internet entirely. Oh, and you probably shouldn't watch anything on TV either.
To my loyal fans and readers, I thank you for your support, and your open mindedness, and tolerance. This makes me really thinking I should do that "beer and boobs" photo piece now I've always teased about, what do you think, would that be insensitive? Yeah, I didn't think so, so send me your beer and boobs photos!!!

Remember folks, its just beer....
Beer should be fun, lets make sure we keep it that way

Until next time
Bottoms up my friends...

The Beer Czar

Aug 6, 2013

World of Beer in Tempe celebrates 1 year!!!

Can you believe it, its been a year already! World of Beer in Tempe is turning 1, and they are kicking off a celebration much like you would expect from them, with lots of beer!
There is a ton of info, and I am short of time, so I'll repost the press release I received, that has all the info you will need, check it out! (I can't wait for the 10th! 58 Arizona beers from 26 Arizona breweries!)

Check it out.....

Rare Firestone Walker tapping, fifty-eight local beers and food
trucks top celebration highlights

Tempe, AZ (July 31, 2013)—It’s been one year since World of Beer Tempe set up shop on Mill Ave and started pouring the love of craft beer for thirsty patrons to enjoy.

Since then, folks have traveled the world, one pint at a time, hopping through more than 500 different beers and over 50 taps, for a global flavor explosion, all from the comforts of bar stool.

Now, World of Beer Tempe is gearing up for a four day Arizona-versary celebration with rare beers, a local beer tribute, an exclusive SanTan brew, food trucks, chances to win tickets to the 2013 Great American Beer Festival and much more.

The fun kicks off on Wednesday, August 7, with a Firestone Walker Party featuring Union Jack, Double Jack, Wookey Jack, Pale 31, Pivo Pils and unfiltered Double Barrel Ale (DBA) on tap all day plus a few Firestone rare beers rolling out on tap from 7-9 p.m. including Parabola, Double DBA, Sucuba and Sixteen.

Then, on Thursday-Friday, August 8-9, the anniversary celebration continues with more than 50 rare and allocated beers on tap. Highlights include:

See, everyone is going to be there...
North Coast Brewing, Barrel Aged Old Rasputin XV
Sierra Nevada, Narwhal Imperial Stout
Deschutes Brewery, Black Butte XXV and The Abyss 2012
Brasserie Dieu du ciel, Rigor Mortis ABT
Odell Brewing, Wooden Sidecar and Amuste
Green Flash Brewing, Super Freak and Little Freak
Epic Brewing, Big Bad Baptist Imperial Stout
Dogfish Head Brewery, 120 Minute IPA and Red & White
Nectar Ales, Black Xantus
The Bruery, White Oak
… and many more!

On Saturday, August 10, World of Beer Tempe salutes Arizona’s local breweries with a celebration dubbed, The Arizona Great Fifty-Eight. Patrons will enjoy 58 different beers from 26 Arizona breweries plus a World of Beer exclusive spiced amber beer from SanTan Brewing Company called Beer of the World. This SanTan Brewing exclusive features ingredients from across the globe with American malt, South American cacao nibs, European roasted barley, African coffee, Asian black peppercorns and Australian black licorice, 5.5% ABV, 25 IBU.

The Grilled Cheese Truck will be on site Saturday from noon – 5 p.m. serving up gooey cheese filled deliciousness and the Hungry Monk’s new food truck, the Traveling Monk will be on site from 5-10 p.m. serving pub favorites.

Stop by anytime, you can't go wrong!!!
Hope to see you there!

Until next time
Bottoms up my friends!

The Beer Czar

Aug 5, 2013

Friends and Fan Photos "Summer Beer Pic's"!!!! (might be considered NSFW....;-)

Well, summer is in its final weeks (at least for most of the country anyway....), so we can think of no more perfect time to post the summer beer pictures we've been collecting all summer!

What follows is a collection of photos I've received from some family, friends, and fans all summer. Some of them I know very well, some I went to high school, or college with, some, I've never met, but read this blog and wanted to send in a photo to participate. So, please, enjoy, and if you have any great summer beer photos, by all means, you can still send them in ( to us, and we would be more then happy to add them to this post. (if you sent me one, and I forgot to post it, please let me know, and I will add it immediately)
So, sit back, open a can or bottle of your favorite summer beer, and enjoy a look back at the summer that has passed...

What a great way to start this post! Sent in from reader "Mike", taken of his girlfriend while on vacation in "the islands" in June.A near perfect photo if you ask me!

The Beer Czar, with my good friend Bobby, at the Wolfpack Imperial IPA Release party at The Watering Hole at Whole Foods in Chandler. Fine, fine beer!

Here I am, the beer Czar, enjoying a San Tan Hefeweizen while camping at Lo Lo Mai Springs outside of Sedona.

Here I am, again, with one of my favorite, flavorless poolside beers, a Landshark Lager, at my folks pool in Chandler, AZ.

This one, sent in from reader, Amber. This was taken in her pool, in her back yard, somewhere in Florida.

My friend Brad, enjoying a local favorite, while out on a date night with his lovely wife at AZ 88. 

My friend Brad, discovered a new favorite Italian brew, while on a family vacation in California.

This was sent to me, by a reader that wished to remain nameless, in Michigan. Getting some sun, and having a bud in the back yard.

My good friend and co-worker Chris sent me a pic of his favorite summer time activity, brewing! This is a pic of his system, brewing up a Peach Smash, made with Chinook and Maris Otter malts, then added peaches during 2nd fermentation for 5 day. Can't wait to try it!

Our good friend, the lovely Daniell, enjoying a Papago Orange Blossom, at Old Chicago

OK, the same friend that sent me a VERY similar picture of his girlfriend for the last fan photos page, took another one, this time, he said it was a "summer version" of the same photo. Nice pic!

This is from an old college friend Jackie, enjoying one of her favorites, while boating on the Chesapeake Bay! 

A former co-worker, and friend Janna, enjoying a beer, while at a Florida Georgia line concert here in Arizona

This is from my good friend Kayla (she is the taller blonde in the middle) enjoying a few beers and a baccalaureate party while at Tao Pool at the Venetian in Las Vegas.

OK, here is one for the ladies. The girls of the baccalaureate party, spending a little time with a Chippendale Dancer! That is my friend Kalya all the way on the left. 

Here is Kayla, on her own, enjoying a cold (free) beer! 

This one from my high school friend, Kelly, she sent me this one of not only a favorite beer of her's, but of a favorite sports team we share!

Facebook friend Mia, enjoying a Summer Shandy at the marina at Lake Pleasant, in the west valley

This is Mia husband Chris, enjoying his time at the lake as well. Not sure if it was when the picture was taken, but this picture was posted at 8 am! That is living the good life!

Mrs Beer Czar, looking good, and enjoying a Landshark at my parents pool in Chandler, Az

Here is Mrs Czar, my good friend Bobby, his wife Daniell, and myself, enjoying a few beers, and cooling off after the 1st Annual Beer Tasting and Pool Party!

High school friend Pete, sent my this one, of an island classic while on vacation in the Bahamas, yeah, I'm jealous of this one!

My good friend from high school, Jayme, enjoying a fine IPA, in sucsession no less, before, during, and after! (I am told, a few photos later, she was dancing on the coffee table wearing a grass skirt, with a lamp shade on her head, sadly, I was not sent a photo....;-)

My good friends, and college drinking buddies, looking, and acting much the same as they did in our time at Franklin Pierce College (yes, College, not University!!)

This one came to me from a reader in Canada, that wished to remain nameless. This was taken this passed July, of his wife, while they were on their honeymoon, "south of the border", which, I guess means, they were anywhere from Mexico, to Argentina, but I am lead to believe this was somewhere in Mexico. Great photo...not sure what kind of beer she is drinking, but I love the outfit...

My good friend Shelli, and her brothers, enjoying an El Presidente in the Dominican Republic last summer

This is Shelli's frosty Presidente! 

An unnamed fan, enjoying her favorite beer poolside, in Arizona (to each their own, this post is about having summer fun with beer, its not about the beer, so please, no nasty natty comments please!)

Not to many ways better then this to enjoy your favorite brew in Ohio! (no name on this one, but the beer is San Adams Summer, in a cup)

Fan Todd, in Mass, sent in this pic of his girlfriend, enjoying the last "official" weekend of summer with one of their favorites!

I want to thank everyone that sent in a photo, and participated in this, and had a little fun with it. We appreciate all your readership, and support. Here is to many many more summer's with your favorite beer!
Enjoy the rest of it, drink up, but drink responsibly, and stay safe!

Until next time
Bottoms up my friends

The Beer Czar