
Aug 16, 2013

Heros 19 in the Valley this weekend!

AWB's new logo
First off, let me say, hello, remember me? Yes, sorry, things in the life of the Beer Czar have been fairly  hectic, and busy this summer, and I feel I have been neglecting the blog as of late. Well, let me assure, the next few weeks, and months, things in the Arizona beer community are going to get very exciting, and I am still going to bring the latest and greatest news of it all! In the coming weeks, we have a couple of new brewery's opening their doors (Huss Brewing in Tempe, and YES, finally Arizona Wilderness Brewing in Gilbert will be opening its doors
The Perch
Sept 2nd!!!) as well as James Swann's new adventure "The Perch" will be opening in downtown Chandler in Oct. San Tan has a new seasonal coming out in Sept (Super Monk Belgian IPA, I'll have more ont hat very soon as well), and well the list seems to go on and on. These are exciting times my friends, so stay tuned for more specifics on the events I just mentioned.

I can think on better way to kick off all this great news then this, its finally here folks! The collaborative brew Heros 19, brewed by the Arizona Brewers Guild at Prescott Brewing's brewing facility in Prescott, this is the beer they brewed up with 19 types of hops, and a 19 on the color scale (SRM's for you folks that speak "beer geek") to honor the 19 fire fighters that gave their lives fighting the fire in Yarnell just over a month ago. It was tapped first at Prescott Brewing this passed week, and this weekend, makes it way to the valley.
Check out any valley brew pub this weekend (click here for a look at all the members of the Brewer's Guild). There is a special event in Downtown Chandler tomorrow, meant to honor and thank all fire fighter. Its from 11 to 2. So swing by, shake a fireman's hand, say thank you, and grab a pint of two of Hero's 19 (100% of the proceeds for this beer go to support the families of the fallen Granite Mountain Hotshots crew by the way!).

Here is what the brewery said about the brew...
"Heroes 19 is an American Brown Ale that's a little lighter in color than a regular brown ale. This beer starts with a slight malty nose with a definite hop aroma, light brown in color. Taste wise you'll notice a light toasty character followed by a hint of caramel with a pronounced hop flavor and a nice lingering hop bitterness.
 It was brewed on July 19th. It has a color of 19 SRM (geek talk...), and was brewed with 19 different hops, all donated by individual Guild members. The malt was donated by Briess Malting Co. and the distribution and warehousing is being done, gratis, by Hensley."

If you would like to grab a pint, but aren't sure where to find it, feel free to hit me up at and I will be happy to point you in the right direction!

Again, stay tuned for more upcoming events here in the east valley, lots going on! What a great way to end the summer!

Until next time
Bottoms up my friends

The Beer Czar

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