
Aug 27, 2013

What would you do for free beer? Nothing? OK......

This is a pretty cool idea. In an attempt to get people to slow down, and take a little break, the folks at Amstel have decided to reward folks for doing just that, nothing, for 3 minutes with a beer.
Its called the "Amstel Pause". All you have to do, is, well nothing.You have to stand still, and do nothing for just 3 minutes. If you can do that, the machine rewards your lack of hard work with a free can of Amstel. OK, so its not the best beer in the world, but its free, and that makes it a good beer in many respects. Check out this short video.....

Very cool! I was able to find a few stats on this machine;
"An average of 84 people took part each day with a total of 1,344 beers dispensed, resulting in 4,032 minutes (more than 67 hours) of rest"
So, the folks at Amstel are doing their part in reducing the stress level in Bulgaria, one beer at a time.

How cool would it be is you could walk into a mall, or park, here in the states. Stand on a machine for 3 minutes, without answering your cell phone, looking at folks walking passed you, all those distractions, and get a nice cool can of beer? OK, I think some American brewer's should look into this!!!

So, lets take 3 minutes, do nothing, and reward ourselves with a beer!!

Remember, the best beer in the world, is the one in your hand!

Until next time
Bottoms up my friends

The Beer Czar

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