
Mar 11, 2013

Red Solo Cup gets a remake....

We have all heard that incessantly annoying Toby Keith Song "Red Solo Cup" by now, and I am sure we can all relate to it, at least anyone that has been to a frat party, or back yard BBQ can. The ubiquitous "red solo cup", faithful companion to NASCAR tail gators, and sorority sisters a like, is getting a face lift. A number of them in fact. Until now, it only came in a few different sizes, all the same shape. Now, they are coming out (April 10th ) with a number of different shaped solo cups. Such as;
Love the "stems"!

  • 14 oz Wine Cup 
  • 15 oz Margarita Cup
  • 12 oz Cocktail Cup
  • 12 oz coffee cup (for the previously mentioned hangover I guess?)

From what I read, these cups are thicker then their older cousin, so, technically, they are reusable! I am however, sad to see they don't have a nice Belgian Tulip cup (yet!), maybe we can start a letter writing campaign?

Please let me know if you see these anywhere, I would love to check them out!
In the mean time, if you want to order some of these lovely cups, or some other solo cup swag, go here...

Until next time
Bottoms up my friends
The Beer Czar

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