
Mar 11, 2013

Hangover Cure???

A cure for the common hangover? We have all heard, and maybe even tried the old wives's tales for curing a hang over. Gallons of coffee, greasy food, a bowl of manudo, drinking pickle juice, there are tons. None of which really work all that well, I've found.
Well, that could all change! Researchers at UCLA are working on a cure for a hangover!! Too good to be true? Probably, but it sounds interesting, and makes sense, check this out (the following taken from Kegworks )

"Researchers at UCLA have begun testing packaged enzymes inside a nontoxic, nanoscale polymer shell that mimic the body’s natural alcohol-processing activities. For those of you, like me, who aren't exactly hip to scientific vernacular, let me translate this for you: we’re talking about drunk to sober in a matter of mere moments.
The enzymes, called biomimetic enzyme nanocomplexes, were tested on intoxicated mice, and successfully reduced blood alcohol levels quite quickly and dramatically. The research states that these enzymes show promise as "antidotes and preventive measures for alcohol intoxication," and the researchers believe that there may be a way for people to take the antidote orally in the future.
UCLA’s Biomolecular Engineer and head researcher, Yunfeng Lu, says that "since alcohol metabolism occurs naturally in the liver, it would almost be like having millions of liver cell units inside your stomach or in your intestine, helping you to digest alcohol."
I’m having a hard time forming a solid opinion on all of this. On the one hand, I think it could be a great thing, as some people believe that those classic myths actually work, so they splash a little water on their face after a long night of drinking, then take off in their vehicles. With a sober pill, we might see a reduction in drunk driving accidents.
On the other hand, it may encourage binge drinking among minors, as they’ll have a quick cure when going to school, work, and so forth. The same goes for adults – this pill may present itself as a sort of pseudo-solution to alcohol abuse.
Either way, this news is pretty amazing. I don’t over-indulge all that frequently, but it does happen now and then, and I have to admit, I wouldn't hate having a few sober pills on hand for when the time does come."

Well, I'm interested  I will have to follow this story very closely!

In the mean time, what is your favorite, or most effective cure for a hangover? What is the craziest cure you've tried or heard of? Let me know, email me at

Until next time
Bottoms up my friends!

The Beer Czar

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