I've had a few folks contact me, concerned something was wrong with me, or that I was no longer doing the blog. I assure you, I am just fine, and that is not the case at all. I have, however, slowed down considerably as of late, obviously. Why you ask? Ok, I'll fill you in.
Sadly, and to many peoples shock, this is not my "job". In fact, I really don't make any money at all doing this. I do this because I just like doing it, its fun, I get to go to places, see things, and meet people I normally would never have had the chance otherwise. That means I must do all these things in my free time. Since I also have a family, and a "real" job, my free time is not always as conducive to writing as much I would like. I have 3 lovely daughters and a wife that come first in my list of how I prioritize my time. While I am normally able to find time to get out, and write, lately, things around here lately have been very busy. My wife has been studying to take her series 7 General Securities exam. Anyone that has taken this test, or knows anyone that has, knows this requires a huge commitment of time to study and prepare. She is scheduled to take this exam in just a few weeks, so hopefully, after that, things will return to "normal".
Until then, I am happily spending my time, taking care of the girls so my wife can study. Just know, this is a very good thing, and will most likely allow me more time in the near future to spend writing, tasting and further "researching" the awesome beer scene here in Arizona.
In the mean time, I have a favor. If you find yourself having an amazing, odd, fun or otherwise notable beer experience, be it here in Arizona, or elsewhere, and want to share your story, by all means, let me know, I would love to post it, and share it with everyone. Reach out to me, send me an email at thebeerczar@gmail.com and we can discuss the details.....
Until then, you will see me from time to time, and I thank you all for your patience, and support while we get ourselves past through this, and onto much bigger and more exciting things in the VERY near future!
Well, the leaves are changing, the nights are cooling off, the kids are back in school, that can only mean one thing, summer is over. Summer officially ended last week, so lets take a minute, and look back fondly at just about everyone's favorite time of year, and remember the summer that was 2015....with beer.
So, without further ado.......here they are!
Any beer tastes great in this setting!
They didn't leave a name, or location on this one, but I loved the pic, so I used it!
Facebook Fan Robert left this pic, of Mrs. Czars favorite beer!
A great Michigan beer, on the shores of Lake Michigan!
Old College friends Amber and Becky, doing a little catching up, in a perfect spot! Taken in Maine!
Charles let me post this pic, take at Mansfield Hollow Park, in CT.
David, enjoying a beer at Bedderton Beach, MD
One of my very few personal hero's, Les Stroud, aka Survivorman, was in a bad accident in while scouting locations for Survivorman in Mongolia earlier this summer. He suffered some pretty serious injuries (he flew back from Asia to Canada with a collapsed lung!). Here he is with a friend in the hospital, enjoying a beer! Glad to see you well Les!!!
Cheers to you!
Another one of my favorite people on the planet, my dear friend Tanya discovering craft beer at the Rockyard Brewery in Castlerock Co....
Here is another pic from Tanya, this time on Martha's Vineyard, enjoying a beer on the beach with her friend Barb
This is Stevie C, in Texas, enjoying some of her favorite local brews.....
Sydney S enjoying a showerbeer to cool off in the hot Arizona summer!
What's not to love about this picture? (aside from maybe their beer choice? (I kid....))
Not sure what the lovely Kayla is doing here in this picture, but whatever it is, I have no doubt she was having fun doing it. This was from her trip to Vegas in Aug.
This one is from my trip to Maine earlier this summer. This is me enjoying a nut brown ale at Sea Dog's pub in Topsham.
Here is another one from my Maine trip. Enjoying a Baxter Brewing's Window Seat Coconut Brown Ale, while taking in the amazing Green Falls, deep inside Baxter State Park.
Thanks Tyler for this beautiful shot!
A great shot from Mike, at the Aspen Cabin near Blue Ridge AZ (yes, there is a beer on the seat of the bike!) Great pic!
My old College friend Laura, enjoying her parents peaceful backyard in CT.
Robert enjoying an outdoor beer!
Below are a few great pic's from Mother Road Brewing, in Flagstaff Arizona.
Charles took this stunning photo from Mansfield Hollow Park, CT.
This might be my favorite pic from this years set....Tim took this out on Hingham Harbor, in Mass.
The following set of photos were sent in by my friends at Beast Brewing Co right here in Bisbee, AZ!
Facebook fan Farrah sent these in from Mass.....
This is from Chris, taken at Fairy Falls, in the Columbia River Gorge, WA
Another one from the Columbia River, this one taken by Justin, on Beacon Rock
My parents dog Payson, enjoying a Mr. Pineapple poolside.
College friend Jackie, I am assuming somewhere out on the Chesapeake Bay
Dave, Duck, NC
These two are from Eric, in Destin FL
A classic summer beer pic! Brian took this in St Thomas!
Emily in Phoenix!
Chris sent this from Drake's Island Maine.
Sandra, finishing off a cold one while watching The Nationals! (this is probably the most expensive beer on this years post! )
Brian sent us this great, early summer beer pic from House Mountain, Lexington VA
Sunrise Beach beer!
Resident Parrothead Chris, and his wife, probably at a Buffett show!
Below are just a few random, but awesome beer pic's, from anonymous submitters....
Icicle River, Leavenworth WA
Nice grouper!
OK, you have been warned!!!! Scroll down at your own risk!
Some of you may recall this pic, submitted by someone that said this was his wife, on their honeymoon in Mexico. Well, turns out, it was not his wife. However, the young lady in the pic somehow saw it posted, and reached out to me to let me know this was in fact, not the case. I was afraid she would be upset, but turns out, she was really cool with it. She is quite a fan of topless sunbathing it seems, it does it whenever she can. She was even kind enough to submit a pic for this years set. In keeping with her "theme" she of coarse sent in another topless summer beer pic (my favorite kind of summer beer pic!) Here is her latest!