
Mar 29, 2016

Its almost time for Ameri-Can Canned Beer Festival!

I've made it perfectly clear, I am an HUGE fan of the Ameri-Can Canned Beer Festival.
Everything about this festival makes it great! The Venue (Scottsdale Civic Center) is fantastic, outdoor, open air, shade, lots of grass, live music and enough room so you are bumping elbows with everyone there. The lines are always reasonable as well. I've never had to stand in line for very long at all at this festival (something that makes it VERY different from most good beer festivals). However, what I like most about this festival, this is all CANNED beer! So, for the most part, its all flagship beers and popular seasonal brews. No standing in mile long lines for 3oz of barrel aged infused goodness that you sadly, and likely will never even sniff again. This is all beer you can pick up at most any good bottle shop. If you love a beer you find at this festival, the most trouble you will have getting your hands on it, is that if that beer may not be sold here in AZ. Just need to find a friend from a state that they distribute too, offer a trade, and there you go. Easy as that, and its yours.

The festival is coming up, May 14th, Noon to 6. 1 pm entrance for non VIP I believe, but I will clarify that.

So, mark your calendars, get there early, and look for me, I will surely be there!!

Get all the info at their website here.......

I really hope to see you there!

Until next time
Bottoms up my friends!

The Beer Czar

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