
May 8, 2015

Introducing "EV Brew Co.".......

This article is going to be the first part of a continuing series that plans to introduce to you, and follow a new brewery here in the valley. EV Brew Co, in Gilbert. I thought it would be fun to follow a group of home brewers, as the make the switch to hobbyist, to professionals. They are in the very beginning stages of the process (still working on a license), so we have no idea where this road will take, or how long, but we want to tag along, and bring you along with us.

My good friend Danielle will be the one bringing you the details of the guys. In the opening bit, we want to meet the guys, and take a look at what they are doing currently. In the coming weeks and months, you'll see interviews, backgrounds, plans for the future, maybe a video or two...we aren't sure ourselves, but we are excited to bring this to you, and excited for our good friends at EV Brew, I'll shut up now, and let Danielle bring you the rest.....

Three close friends and fellow beer lovers are breaking into the craft brew scene  “Arizona Style”.
Meet Arizona Natives Matthew Rawlins, Anthony Rawlins and Eric Rawlins of East Valley Brew Co. or EV BREW.   Matthew and Anthony are Twin Brothers and Eric is their cousin.  With a strong family connection these guys have set out to create a fun, rewarding business with AMAZING BEER.
EV Brew is  local to Gilbert Arizona. Currently home brewers with a high potential to rock the craft brewery scene.
And YES ladies, they are all single! The line forms here.
I have been fortunate to follow these fellas on their beer journey over the last year. It’s exciting to watch, and learn.
I find the process quite fascinating, so much trial and error in the pursuit for the perfect beer.  Anthony brings a degree in culinary arts, which is helpful for flavor combinations.  Matt and Eric are heavy drinkers (kidding) so, they are the perfect package for brewers.
Incorporation of local flavor is an important goal of East Valley Brew Co. “EV BREW” From their
Prickly Pear IPA to the Orange Peel Ale you will see an abundance of local flavors including local honey.
Hours of harvesting and preparing Prickly Pears for the IPA- Is certainly a labor of love. The Prickly Pears are currently harvested by hand in Tucson Az.
These cousins are some pretty talented guys, from years in restaurant industry, retail, banking and finance, promotional marketing, comedy and musical abilities this is going to be an exciting journey I look forward to the ride.
I was recently invited over to brew a few batches of beer for the Top Hops Beer Festival in Tucson. I brought my husband for any heavy lifting.
We had a great time. The pains they go through to get the richest flavors is fascinating.
For anyone who is familiar with brewing, you know its hours of boiling, stirring, temperature taking, measuring , and watching.  Lots of hours on your feet.
They have a Bayou propane burner allowing them to use a larger kettle. Currently using a 17 gallon kettle but are still brewing in 5 gallon batches. For the time being anyway.
We were brewing their Toasted Coconut Milk Stout "Hydra".  They toasted the coconut the night before- I have to say one of my favorite parts was fondling the coconut balls- bringing them to my nose and breathing in the rich woody flavor-  I promise even the manliest man would love to join in the fun of fondling coconut balls… Ok ,OK, so it’s really a hop sock. Not to be confused with sock hop. But my way is more fun.
They use one hop sock of toasted and one of raw coconut. Letting them boil for 45 minutes.  These flavors are added at the same time as the hops and malts.
Selecting the right hops and malts is important for their flavors and balance.
Once all the flavor has been extracted from the coconut balls, you remove the balls and transfer the
brew to the fermenter. I know, its sad.  Removing the balls is the saddest part of the story.
From there they siphon the liquid into the carboy.  
Waiting nearby is a 31 gallon galvanized trash can with 5 bags of ice.  Shaking the carboy in a circular motion helps speed up the cooling process- the brew needs to cool from 150 degrees to 75 degrees- Once 75 degrees is obtained they can test the ABV using a vile and hydrometer – then they add the yeast. When the yeast is added you can consider it beer. YAY, but you’re not done yet.  This beer needs to be kept at about 75 degrees, free from light and heat. This is a difficult task in Arizona-  From this point the time in the carboy will vary from approximately 2 days to two weeks- depending on whether you are bottling or kegging it.  For this brew we were kegging.
The Rawlins boys have been  sharing their brews at some fantastic beer tasting parties for family and friends.  Everyone is invited to give their feedback and reap the benefits of being friends with these awesome dudes.  Not all have been lucky enough to play with toasted coconut balls though.  
EV Brew participated in the Top Hops Festival this month, they were very pleased with the response.  They received great feedback and met some great folks.
I'm excited and very privileged to bring their story to you,  Look forward to great things from EV Brew Co.
Some of the beers they have produced  
BALTIC (Tan Banana)
AMERICAN (Walk Off) Porter.
AMERICAN Two IPAs(202 and The Zonie)
AMERICAN The Hydra Milk Stout
AMERICAN The Orange Peel Pale Ale
ENGLISH STYLE “The Dookie” Brown Ale
BELGIAN STYLE Raspberry Saison
 Please make sure to follow them on Twitter, and like them on Facebook.
Here is their website... 

For a complete set of photos from this brew day, as well as others from the guys of EV Brew, check out this album on our Facebook page...
May love and laughter light your days.
Bottoms up my friends

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