
Jan 14, 2015

Cooking with Beer - Founders Beer Cheese Dip

America loves football, especially this time of year. I know I am rooting for my beloved Patriots to make another appearance in the big game! Even the most casual of football fans becomes a MUCH bigger fan come Super Bowl Sunday. Even if it is just to watch the commercials.

Well, the time honored most American of traditions to take part in while watching the game, is, of coarse eating, and drinking. I hope to bring you a series of tips on what to eat, and drink while watching the game. First up....lets start it off with a little dip!

I love beer, and I love cheese, so you can imagine, I just LOVE beer cheese. Founders Brewing Co in Grand Rapids Michigan is one of my favorite breweries. So, when I see a recipe for Founders Beer Cheese (3 of my favorite words in one phrase!), you can imagine a get a little goosey.....

So, here it is, Founders Beer Cheese everyone!


1 pound cream cheese (softened)
1 ounce smoked Gouda cheese (grated)
6 ounces Founders Centennial IPA
1/2 ounce fresh baby spinach
1/2 medium-sized red bell pepper (diced)
1 garlic clove (minced)
1 tablespoon Dijon mustard
1 teaspoon Italian seasoning

Preheat oven to 325 degrees. Combine and mix all of the ingredients thoroughly in a casserole dish. Bake for 35 to 40 minutes, stirring halfway through baking. Serve with crostinis, toast points and/or tortilla chips.

To check out the complete write up on the recipe, and others from Founders, check out their website here...

One of the great things about beer cheese is, its just so damn easy to make!! How can you go wrong with smoked cheese and great beer?

Anyway, keep an eye out for more fun recipes and suggestions in the weeks to come!

Until next time
Bottoms up my friends

The Beer Czar

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