
Jul 5, 2014

IPA Pickled Jalapeno Peppers.

This past 4th of July I posted a photo on my Facebook page of some IPA pickled jalapeno peppers I made, and I promised to post the recipe soon, so here you go!

It is SUPER easy, and takes little time at all. You will need.....


  • 3 tbs sugar
  • 1 tbs salt
  • 1 cup plain vinegar
  • 2 tbs water
  • 2 cups IPA (I used Bells Two Hearted)
  • 8 to 10 jalapenos thinly sliced

  • In a small sauce pan, mix the sugar, salt, vinegar and water, and on low heat, heat and stir until sugar and salt is dissolved, remove from heat, and add beer, then place in refrigerator until it has cooled (about 25 minutes)

    Pour that into a canning jar, and add peppers to jar, and close. Refrigerate for at least 24 hours before eating.

    The peppers will remains good for at least several weeks.

    These peppers are great on their own, or with chips and salsa, on hot dogs, burgers, even on

    These peppers are so easy to make, and very affordable, why not make up a batch for your next BBQ or beer tasting party?? They will be a hit, I can almost guarantee it!

    Until next time
    Bottoms up my friends!

    The Beer Czar

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