
Mar 31, 2014

The Beer Czar appears on the Filmlife Podcast!

This past weekend, I had the honor of being invited onto the "Filmlife" Podcast, to discuss spring and summer beers, and the state of beer in Arizona, and the country as a hole. We tried 6 different beers, and tasted them live, and discussed our thoughts about them.

My point of view
The beers we tried were;

1. San Tan's Mr. Pineapple
2. Bell's Oberon
3. Hanger 24's Orange           Wheat
4. Dogfish's Aprihop
5. Sasion Dupont
6. Unibroue's La Fin de  Monde

Mr. Czar behind the Mic!
So, if you would, check out the two part podcast! They are each about 1 hour (we talk a lot) and be
forewarned, they would probably be rated PG13, there is some language, so, careful if the kids are around!

You can check out the episode's of the podcast of Filmlife here, and it will walk you through how to listen them.

Also, you can find them, and please like them on Facebook here....
Follow them on Twitter here....

Rodger and Jesus

Until next time
Bottoms up my friends

The Beer Czar

The line up we had on the podcast

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