
Mar 28, 2014


Can you believe it, its Friday already, and its the last weekend in March too, already?? Wow, where did spring go? Can you believe it, summer will soon be upon us! So, without further delay, lets just jump right into it. Ladies and Gentlemen, I present to you, SLIF!!!!

Beer Czar on a Podcast!
Tomorrow, I will be joining the guys of FilmLife podcast, not to discuss film, but to talk about, what else, BEER! Because everyone loves beer, especially in the summer, so we will be tasting, and talking about spring and summer beers! I will be posting links to the podcast once it is up, but in the mean time, check out their stuff here.
If you are a fan of all things movies, you will be interested.
You can find them on Facebook here.....

Marinade your meat in beer, it could save your life!!!

Do you cook with beer? I do, quite a bit. In fact, there is a whole section of this blog devoted to "cooking with beer". One of my very first, and still one of my favorite "recipes" for cooking with beer, is just marinating a steak in Samuel Smiths Taddy Porter for at least a few hours (you can put onions, peppers and garlic in the beer too, optional) then just grilling the steak with just a little salt and pepper, and you've got a great steak! Well, I didn't know this was so good for me! Why is marinating meat in beer healthy? Its real science folks, check out this article........

More Beer and Health News.....
Well, now that we know cooking with beer is good for you, now we have proof that drinking beer also has some positive health benefits!! Check out this article, and learn all the wonderful things beer does for your body, aside from just making you super sexy and a great dancer!

Take Care of your Growler!
I was thinking of writing a piece on growler care, since growlers are become a very popular way of enjoying your favorite craft beers at home, especially those brewery's that don't can or bottle their beers. Well, while I was looking for some info on this to write the piece, I found this nugget, and realized, there is no reason to re-invent the wheel, these guys already did a great job of passing on this info, so, check out this piece at  The Best of Brews, and their piece on
Growler Care....

An Epic Illegal Beer Run...
Finally, this little piece from the AP, regarding some local, kind of beer news.....

"PHOENIX — A man is in custody in connection with more than 50 beer thefts over nine months at Phoenix-area convenience stores.
Phoenix police said Angelo De Leon allegedly targeted Circle K stores between May 2013 and last month.
Authorities said the thefts totaled nearly $6,900.
Surveillance video helped identify De Leon as a suspect.
He was arrested Wednesday and booked into jail on suspicion of 54 counts of organized retail theft."

There you have it folks, this weeks SLIF! So, head on head, and take in the weekend, and don't forget to check out Filmlife's site and podcast!

Remember, as always, however you decide to celebrate, relax and enjoy the weekend, do so in a responsible, smart and safe manner. If you drink, don't drive, if you drive, don't drink! Thanks, have a safe and happy, and fun weekend!

Until next time
Bottoms up my friends!

The Beer Czar

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