
Mar 6, 2014

Anchor Brewing Saison!

I love the sound of this beer for a couple of reasons. One, I love Anchor beer! OK, it may not be the greatest out there, but its damn good, and holds a soft spot in my heart. It was my go too craft beer in my early days of craft beer. After spending all day mountain biking the trails of Southern NH in my young adulthood, my friend Kris and I would peddle passed out favorite waterhole, and more often then not, stop in for a few glasses of beer. Anchor Steam beer was my go to at that time. The other reason I look forward to this brew, lately, I have developed a love of Saison, Farmhouse ales. Maybe it has to do with the 110+ degree temps here in the summer, or a changing palate, or both, but lately, I can't get enough of these crisp, lighter, but extremely complex flavors, that just lends itself to warmer summer conditions. I have yet to try this one (it hasn't reached Arizona yet) but I am on the look out, and will be sure to included it in my summer beer write up I do every year.

Until then, read about it from the official press release from Fritz and crew at Anchor Brewing.....

Anchor Saison™ Spring Ale (7.2% ABV) is a traditional Belgian-style saison with a California twist. The distinctiveness of roasted Belgian wheat malt is enhanced by the peppery, clove-like flavors of a locally cultured saison-style yeast. And, for this release, Anchor chose three California ingredients — lemongrass, lemon peel, and ginger — whose synergy adds a tangy crispness and herbal spiciness to this sharply refreshing, uniquely Californian saison.
Brewmaster Mark Carpenter suggests pairing the Saison Spring Ale with sushi or Vietnamese cuisine, which perfectly compliments the tangy, citrus notes of the beer.
Released in California this March thru May, Anchor Saison™ Spring Ale will be available in 6-packs and draught at select retailers and at the Anchor Brewing Taproom in San Francisco.
and check out this video about it....
Until next time
Bottoms up my friends
The Beer Czar
For more on this, and other great Anchor beers, check out their website here.....

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