
Jan 14, 2014

SanTan's Sex Panther, on shelves now!

OK, so its not made by Odeon, it is not illegal in 9 countries, and I am pretty certain there are no bits of real panther in it, but I do know its good. Damn good!

SanTan Brewing released their seasonal porter "Sex Panther Double Chocolate Porter" a week or so ago. Its on shelves now, so run out and get yourself some.

I don't want to review the beer per say, I will let you have the pleasure of doing that, but I do want tell you a little about it, and what to expect from it. First off, lets get something clear from the get go. The "Double" in "Double Chocolate Porter" refers to the amount of chocolate ( Colonial Rosewood Cocoa by the way) that is in it, this is not a "double" or Imperial porter. So don't grab this thinking this is a heartier porter, this is standard American Porter, with double chocolate. That being said, this is a damn fine porter. Porters are among my favorite styles (especially this time of year), so I am always looking for a good one, and a good local one at that. Its hard to fine good porters these days, so thank god for Sex Panther, and thank you SanTan!!

This beer has really nice chocolate notes in the aroma ("its quite pungent, its a formidable scent, it stings the nostrils" Ron Burgundy) and a good subtle chocolaty body in the flavor, with
some slight notes of sweet molasses, and even some hints of hop bitterness if you search for them. This is a very smooth, easy drinking porter.
 As with most porters, this pairs well with some smoky (not real spicy however) meats and cheeses, and is just outstanding with some sweet chocolate desserts. I was at a beer group meeting in SanTan's Brewers Dining room recently, and we had a chance to try Sex Panther, paired with a soft brownie with peanut butter chocolate chuck gelato, and it was OUTSTANDING! I imagine some nice raspberry chocolate cake would be wonderful as well.

Some beer geek info....
Malt: 2-Row, White Wheat, Caramel, Munich, Special Roast, Chocolate
Hops: Columbus
Yeast: SanTan House
OG: 15.7 Plato
ABV 6.9%
Color: Chocolate Brown
IBU: 20

Look for Sex Panther to be in stores and on shelves from now through March...

Until next time
Bottoms up my friends!

The Beer Czar

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