
Nov 22, 2013

S.L.I.F. Vol. VI

S.L.I.F. Vol. VI
It's that time again (sorry I missed last weeks edition, things got nutty). We made it to the weekend, so here we go, with out further ado.... this weeks version of Sorry Liver it's Friday!

The Beer Czar on Four Peaks “Brewsletter”!
I was honored to be asked to contribute this month’s segment of Four Peaks “Craft Chat” on their monthly Brewsletter! It was their Thanksgiving edition. Check out the post here, and if you don’t already get it, follow the link to sign up for it!!!


Phoenix Brewers Invitational!!
It’s that time of year again, the Brewers Invitational in downtown Phoenix will take place Dec 7th! I will be writing a lot more about this in the very near future, but wanted to give you a heads up, its only 3 more weeks away! You can check out a list of brewers on their website here….. 


Guy time is good for you!
So, tell your wife, you need some more time with the fellas! There is science to back it up now!!
Check out this piece from the fine folks at Kegworks….

Church of Beer??
OK, there is a church that is having a hard time getting folks in the door, so they turned to what else, BEER!!! Amen to that my brothers and sisters!

Save the Ales…..
A man runs back into his house to save, what else, his beer!


Last but not least…..Oberon in 16 oz cans!!!

Can’t wait to grab a few of these 16 oz cans of Oberon (and Two Hearted) and sit by the pool next summer!!! Yes!!! Look for them just in time for summer!!!



Until next time
Bottoms up my friends!

The Beer Czar

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