
Oct 21, 2013

Odell Beer Dinner at El Palacio!

Many times on this blog you've heard me go on and on about the awesome beer dinners held at El Palacio, Well, I am happy to report, you get to listen to me talk about another one, coming up THIS WEDNESDAY!!! Not much time left, but still plenty of spots available! The time, Chef Anthony's amazing culinary creations will be paired with the amazing brews of Odell Brewing Company out of Fort Collins Colorado. If you have never been to a beer dinner, you need to treat yourself to one. They are a great way to experience new brews, enjoy some great food, and meet new people, that share your love of beer and food.
There are even more reasons to go to a beer dinner at El Palacio. For one, its Mexican food, which is, on its own, just awesome. Two, its $25 people, really, just $25! I can honestly say, I've never been to a 5 (or even 4) course beer dinner for under $35. Most will run you $60 or more. So, its affordable, the food is great (so don't let the price fool you), and the company is more then enjoyable. This is hands down the best value I've seen for a beer dinner.

This dinner will be a 5 course dinner. Here is what you can expect...
Course One - Ceviche Cocktail Shot. Shrimp, citrus, avocado and garden vegetables, paired with Easy Street Wheat

Course Two - Compressed Fruit Salad - seasonal fruit pressure compacted and infused with herbs, seasoning and garnished with a grilled tamale cake, paired with Isolation Ale.

Course Three - Street Taco - a homemade tortilla filled with roasted chicken and garnished with traditional veggies, paired with India Pale Ale (the tacos at El Palacio are AMAZING!)

Course Four - Pancetta Enchilada all Carbonara - An Enchilada stuffed with chorizo, and pancetta and topped with green chili carbonara sauce, paired with Cutthroat Porter

Course Five - S'More Taco - A chocolate tortilla filled with homemade graham cracker ice cream, and topped with a hint of marshmallow cream sauce

Fish Taco with some Mudshark, just awesome!
As if you needed one more reason, Chef Anthony and El Palacio just took Grand Reserve Champion at the Arizona Taco Festival, so yeah, you need to get there. I can almost guarantee you will have a good time, you will have some great food, and you will more then likely learn a little something about food, beer or both.

To learn more about past El Palacio Beer Dinners, check out my reviews here and here...

You can reserve a spot one line here..... (just make your reservation for 2 or more for Wed, 23rd, at 7 pm)
Or you can call them at 480.802.5770

Check out their Facebook page..
Learn more about Odell Brewing on their website here.....

Hope to see you there!!!
If you go, look for me, and introduce yourself, love to meet you!

Until next time
Bottoms up my friends

The Beer Czar

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