
Jun 20, 2013

Red Robin's new "can crafted" cocktails

OK, this will most likely piss off hardened beer snobs, but I am going to post it anyway. A while back I wrote about Red Robin's "beer float", a sort of beer milk shake made with ice cream, and Sam Adams Oktoberfest beer. Looked delicious, never had a chance to try it however.
Well, they are at it again, this time, trying to cool you off this summer with a few "beer cocktails", that they dub "Can Crafted Cocktails". OK, so one of them is made with Coors Light, ginger liquor, and lemonade. Sounds ok, but not great. However, the one made with Blue Moon, SVEDKA Vodka, orange and lime juice, actually sounds to me, to be a pretty tasty cocktail!
One of the cooler aspects of these cocktails, much like most of the big brewers efforts to boast sales, is the can they come in. A sort of cup, made to look like a can of beer. Plus, you get to keep the can!
I am going to try this out I think, and I'll report back to you.

If you want more info, here is a link to the entire release on Beer Pulse.
Red Robin's website

Until next time
Bottoms up my friends

The Beer Czar

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