
Jun 7, 2013

Craft Beer Interactive Map....

Screen shot of the interactive map
I stumbled across this map this morning while cruising Facebook (see, there is some helpful stuff on there). Its an interactive map of the Craft Beer industry in the United States. Kind of fun if you are into numbers, and pretty interesting. You can search, by state a number of categories included
total number of breweries, annual production, fastest growing breweries, and a few more.

Like I said, its pretty cool, and even kind of fun. Check it out, and see how your state ranks among the 50.

Let me know what you think of it. I'm having a lot of fun with it this morning! (to give a local shout out, our own beloved San Tan Brewery ranks among the 50 fastest growing breweries in the country!)

Until next time
Bottoms up my friends

The Beer Czar

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