
Mar 20, 2013

Arizona Beer is expanding, outside of Arizona!!!!

Arizona has a rapidly expanding, and improving beer scene. Seems like hardly a week goes buy when I am not reading about a brewery in our state expanding, opening a new facility or pub, or both, or a brand new brewery opening its doors. Recently Chandler's own San Tan Brewing company expanded its production, and will almost triple its output! Their intent, to expand not only their reach within the state, but outside our boarders as well.

Surprising as it may seem, no brewery in Arizona offers its beers outside our state, and San Tan made mention of being the first in Arizona to do so.
Well, some good news bad news, San Tan will not be the first beer available in another state. The good news, Grand Canyon Brewing will be!

I will be honest, this does come as a bit of a shock to me. I would have thought the first to do this would have been San Tan, or Four Peaks. Grand Canyon Brewing is not the largest, or most well known Arizona Brewery, and one I am not all too familiar with. However, thanks to a quick visit to their pub on historic Rt 66 in Williams ( located about 40 miles west of Flagstaff), and tasting a few of their beers at various festivals, I have had a few of their brews, and think this brewery will be a fine representative of Arizona beer outside of our state.

Currently the brewery has established about 30 accounts in Clark County Nevada (home of Las Vegas) at such Vegas staples as Lee's Discount Liquors, Speedy Mart, and Whole Foods. There you will find their flagships, Sunset Amber, and American Pilsner, as well as Coffee Bean Stout, Hop Bomber IPA, and Shaggy Bock. They also plan on distributing some more of their seasonal offerings later this year.
The company plans future expansion to S California, New Mexico and Colorado as well, although no date for this is set yet.

Trust me, as someone that goes to Las Vegas quite a bit (we have family there) finding good beer isn't always easy (although getting easier), especially on the strip. It is there, but you really have to work to seek it out. This will give us one more option while there, and maybe give me a little taste of home as well!

If you ever get a chance to go to Williams ( where the Grand Canyon Rail Road leave from) by all means, check out their pub there, called Cruisers Cafe 66. Its friendly  and comfortable, and they offer up some pretty good food, and even finer Arizona craft brew!!

Grand Canyon Brewing is located at
233 W Route 66
Williams, AZ

check out their website here....
or check them out on Facebook

Until next time
Bottoms up my friends!
The Beer Czar

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