
Feb 5, 2013

San Tan Expansion!

San Tan Brew Pub, downtown Chandler AZ
I've been writing a lot lately about the growing beer scene here in Arizona, and most specifically the east valley. Well, it seems not a week goes by when we get more good news from the EV beer community, and this week is no exception.
Arizona's fastest growing brewery, San Tan Brewing is, well its not going to stop growing anytime soon! They just announced they are adding a 35,000 sq ft production and warehouse facility to its ever growing operation! San Tan has seen an amazing 100% growth in the Arizona market of the last 3 years, this move just allows San Tan to continue this growth for the foreseeable future.

In one of the more awesome aspects of this expansion, they will be using their downtown facility as a sort of "San Tan Laboratory" in order to more experimental and offer more special, one off brews! To me, its this sort of thing that makes any brewery or brew pub worth coming back to over and over. Its fine to have the flagship beers on tap, as one would expect. However, to me, its the special beers that make it exciting every time you walk  in the door. Plus, it allows the brew master to flex their muscle, show off a bit, and refine their skills. So everybody wins!

The new facility
The new facility, located at 495 E Warner Road in Chandler (for those in the east valley, that is about half way between Arizona, and Warner Rd, just a few miles from their downtown location) will create some 25 new jobs to the local economy (to add to the already 125 they have added over the last 3 years). So this is not just good news for beer folks, this is just great news for the east valley, and the City of Chandler in general. Its always great to see a local success story, the fact that it is a brewery just makes its all the more appealing to me!

Expect to see more of these!
I have an inquiry into San Tan as to weather or not they will be offering any sort of tastings, or tour or anything at the new facility, and will pass on that info as soon as I get it.

You can read the press release from HDE here...
Check out San Tan's website here...

So, congrats to San Tan. Its always great to see these local success story's. So plan on seeing San Tan even more at stores and bars near you!

Until next time
Bottoms Up my friends!
The Beer Czar

1 comment:

  1. I heard back from Chip, the Minister of Craft Beer at San Tan. At this time, there is no plan to have a tasting room there, but there are tours planned through Arizona Brewery Tours, I will post more info on that very soon.
