
Feb 12, 2013

2nd Annual Bells Eccen­tric Day at the Hungry Monk

OK, so anyone that has spent any time reading this blog knows, I have an affinity for things from Michigan. I have close family there (cousins, aunt, uncle, in laws etc...). Our very own Rover Beer Czar Reporter, Uncle Gary lives (and currently recovering in) Mich (get well soon Uncle Gary), I even married a woman from Michigan. Also, beer from Michigan is among the best in the country! Some of my favorites Founders, New Holland, Shorts, Jolly Pumpkin, and, of course Bells, from Kalamazoo.

Every year, in Dec, Bells holds a unique party. At their Eccentric Cafe, they hold an annual Eccentric Day. It's sort of the "Rocky Horror Picture Show" of the beer world. In order to get into the party, you need to create and wear an "eccentric" costume! I've never had the pleasure of attending, but I've seen pic's, and it looks like a blast!
Well, Eccentric Day is coming to Arizona! To help kick off Arizona Beer Week, the Hungry Monk in Chandler, is holding its own Eccentric Day Party! The fun starts at 3pm! There will be some special tapping's of some hard to find Bells as well!

Some tapping notes.....

Black Note (6:30 p.m.) - One of the most sought-after stouts in Bell’s history, Black Note Stout blends the complex aromatics of Expedition Stout with the velvety smooth texture of Double Cream Stout and ages the combination in freshly retired oak bourbon barrels for months. The resulting harmony of flavors captures the finest features of all three components: malty notes of dark chocolate, espresso & dried fruits, all buoyed by the warmth and fragrance of the bourbon barrel. Aimed squarely at the stout and bourbon aficionados, Black Note makes a grand statement about the art of the dark. 11.5% abv. 100% of the proceeds from Black Note will benefit the American Heart Association.

Bourbon Barrel Cherry Stout (7:30 p.m.) - Aged in freshly retired bourbon barrels for 6-8 months, this beer takes Bell’s Cherry Stout to a new level. Introducing the oaky, vanilla notes of bourbon to an already heady mix of tart cherries and dark, roasted malts, this stout seduces the palate. Bourbon Barrel Aged Cherry Stout has been made for draft on a handful of occasions over the years and bottled once. 11.0% abv

So, you have a few days, create your best costume, show up at 3, and your first Bells beer is only $1!!!!

Hungry Monks website
Check out the press release here...

Until Next time
Bottoms Up my friends
The Beer Czar

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