
Jan 27, 2013

More Beer in Religion News....

OK, its not often that I get "religious" here on my beer blog, after all, beer and religion don't always seem to have a lot in common. I did do a write up a few weeks back, regarding "Beer and the Bible", but that is really the only time I've brought religion into this blog. Well, its back, in a pretty big, very impressive way.

Would you go to a church, built entirely out of beer bottles? I would! If you want to, check out this little house of worship in Tailand's Sisaket province.

 Sort puts a whole new meaning to the term "one man's trash...." doesn't it. Makes me think I need to start saving all my empty's and doing something a little more useful with them!

Until next time
Bottoms up my friends!
The Beer Czar

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