
Dec 23, 2012

Merry Christmas from the Beer Czar

Merry Christmas from the Beer Czar!!

Little known fact, Santa is an avid Beer Czar reader

OK, where did December go? What the hell happened to November for that matter? As I sit here, the day before Christmas Eve, as so many often do, I look back at the year that was, and, well, its been a pretty awesome one. I can't begin to express (so I won't try) how grateful and blessed I, and my family have been the last 365 days. Most notably, my wife and I welcomed a new member of the family, Kelsey in Oct, to join my oldest daughter Jordan (11 years) and lil' Mack (MacKenzie) now a precocious 3 and a half.

 I've met a ton of great people this year, had a ton of great beers, and have enjoyed continued interest and expansion of this fun little blog. I can't thank you all enough for your support, readership, and in a great many cases, your friendship. I can't thank you all by name, but you all know who you are. Here is to another great year in 2013. Look for lots of exciting changes to "The Beer Czar" in the coming weeks, and months.

What's under your tree???
Again, thanks you all, I hope you have a great Christmas, a safe and happy New Year, and I will see you in 2013 (we are off to Vegas the day after Christmas, so I won't be on line again till Jan). In the mean time, send me your Christmas and New Years photos of you, celebrating either with a beer, and I'll post them!

Until next YEAR
Bottoms up my friends

The Beer Czar

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