
Dec 17, 2012

"Game of Thrones" Beer!!!

OK, I will admit, I have never seen a single episode of "Game of Thrones", but I have heard a great deal about this series (anyone that has more then 6 friends on FaceBook has probably heard a lot about it from their news feeds alone). I will say, the show intrigues me, I love that genre and really, the only reason I haven't seen it, is because I don't have HBO, and I have made no effort to check really check it out. However, I may have to make an effort to check it out now, after reading about some exciting beer news regarding the show.

HBO and Brewery Ommegang from Cooperstown NY (a favorite brewery of mine, especially for Belgian style beers) are teaming up to produce a "Game of Thrones" series of beers! From what I can find, it seems at least 4 beers are slated, or planned. The first being "Game of Thrones Blonde Ale" (I will admit, I think a little more thought could have gone into the naming of the first beer) is set for release about the same time season 3 premiers in late March.

The other 3 beers haven't been named yet. I could find out, they are all slated for 750ml bottles, and will run about $8.50 a bottle, which, isn't bad, considering the pricing of most of Ommegang's brews are well over that, a lot of them breaking the $10 a bottle mark, so this might be a bargain.

Serving suggestion??
I'm thinking these beers will best be served is a hefty chalice, or large pewter tankard!

Until next time,
Bottoms up my friends

The Beer Czar

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