
Sep 14, 2012

Drink beer instead of a sports drink?? OK!

File this under "too good to be true"! I found this little gem of an article (view it here...) that states, in some instances, it is actually GOOD to drink a beer after a work out! OK, time to hit the gym!

Now, its not all great news. The article breaks down certain work outs, be it running, yoga, etc, and which natural drinks to have post work out. The bad news, that beer is best if drank after what they called an "ultra-endurance" workout. So, running an Iron Man, or even "just" a marathon, have a beer afterward. Oh, and one more bit of bad news, it says to have non-alcoholic beer! OK, so maybe this isn't such great news, but hey, anytime someone says to have a beer, and its good for you, its a good thing to me!

So, who wants to run a marathon, and then go grab a few Odouls??? OK, that doesn't sound all that great when you put it like that.

Bottoms up my friends!
The Beer Czar

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