
Sep 28, 2012

Beer made with "beard yeast"???

Bob Cannon of Sam Adams
OK, anyone that has spent more then 13 minutes at a craft beer festival, will know that facial hair plays a large role in the beer community. From the crazy foot long goatee's to braided side burns, (I even saw a soul patch that was about 8 inches long once)  facial hair and beer go hand in hand it seems. Just think of the guy from the Sam Adams commercials (his name is Bob Cannon by the way, a brewer in the R&D Dept). Beards and brews just seem to fit together. Heck, I even grew my goatee out a little longer then average as a sort of homage to beer.

Rogue Brewmaster John Maier

However, Rogue Ales in Oregon has taken the relationship to a whole new level (high or low remains to be seen). They have harvested yeast from the beard of Brewmaster John Maier, and used it to brew a batch of "beard beer"! A local TV crew did a story on it, click the link below to check out the video.

Brewery uses Yeast from Brewers Beard!!!

Now, while getting passed the fact that this yeast came from someones beard may be tough for some, I for one however, think this is actually pretty cool. They are combining the science of brewing, with the sort "lets have fun with this" attitude so many brewers have. I am not sure if I will seek this beer out, but if I see it on a shelf, I will certainly grab it, drink it, and report back.

Bottoms up my friends
The Beer Czar

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