
Nov 19, 2011

Event Review: 2nd Annual "Exceptional" Beer and Wine Tasting.

So, last night, my wife and I made our way to Viewpoint Golf Resort in Mesa for the 2nd Annual "Exceptional" Beer and Wine Tasting fund raiser for the Foundation for Exceptional Kids and SEEK Arizona. As previously mentioned, SEEK is the company my wife use to work for, so this is a cause that is very near and dear to both us.

Checking out the silent auction
While this was not a serious tasting for hardened, experienced beer or wine folks, I think this event was not only for a great cause, but also a great intro to craft beer for people that otherwise had no interest, or even knowledge of Arizona's growing craft beer industry. I will admit, I never even approached the wine table, but my wife made several trips there, and said their selection was quite decent. To no ones surprise, I spent most (all) of my time at the beer table. There was only one brewery represented there, San Tan Brewing. They had a half dozen of their beer's available to taste. There was the handful of their standard line up, as well as their brand new seasonal, "12 Daze" a spiced amber ale for the fast approaching Christmas season. They also had a couple of their beers being served by the glass (and for only $4!!). I was able to taste their Epicenter Amber Ale, Hefewiezen Wheat, Devil's Ale (pale ale), HopShock IPA, and the aforementioned 12 Daze. All in all, a small, but pretty solid line up. Their Amber Ale, is a pretty flavorful, spicy Amber Ale, not being a big fan of amber's, I did however, find this one to be a little more exciting then most. More complex then the normal amber, which was good, because normally, I find this style to be a little one dimensional, and boring.
Their Hefeweizen Wheat, is very good. Again, a little different then most hefe's, this one has a more well rounded, exciting flavor profile. A very unique, banana flavor comes right out, with a spicy, sort of clove flavor following it up.Their Devils Ale to me is a solid Pale Ale. Much like Sierra Nevada's Pale Ale, this is a pretty hoppy PA. A very drinkable beer, this is one that has been finding its way into my fridge more and more often.
Their Hopshock IPA was great! This is a great beer for any Hop Head!
I was most impressed with the 12 Daze. A spicy Amber Ale that would be a pretty nice addition to any holiday party. This would be a great beer for both the beginning beer fan, and seasoned expert alike. Not a strong beer, but with a lot of flavor, without any strong over powering flavors that might offend the less experience palette.

The Patio
 After using up our tasting tickets, my wife and I made our way out to the outdoor patio, and sat by the fire pit, and enjoyed the company of some old friends whom we hadn't seen in quite sometime, in some case, a year or more. We enjoyed some friendly conversation ranging  from the dismal state of the Arizona budget, to music, all while enjoying some great cigars, and a few glasses of my new favorite San Tan Brew, 12 Daze. I even scored a cool t-shirt supporting Crown Distributing "Drink Local" program!

My cool new shirt!

Like I said before, this event, while not a serious beer tasting for serious beer drinkers (or wine drinkers for that matter) this was a solid event. More importantly, an event for a great cause, and a ton of fun to boot.

My wife and I both want to thank Jessica, Brian and the rest of the folks at SEEK and The Foundation for Exceptional Kids, not only for putting on such a great a event, but for all the wonderful work they do (mostly unnoticed by many of us) for so many special kids in need of their help.

If you would like more information about SEEK, the Foundation, and the wonderful work they do, click here, or to contribute to their cause, and help fund their Camp Runamuk, click here.

Bottoms up my friends

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