
Sep 7, 2011

Fall Beers

It’s that time of year again! One of the greatest seasons for beer lovers if you ask me. Autumn beers are fast becoming some of the most popular seasonal beer offerings in America. I think part of this has to do with the wide range of styles that seem to work themselves into the fall seasonal beer line ups. Personally, these seasonal brews are among some of my favorite styles, they tend to be fuller bodied, dark, rich beers that are perfect while sipping in the cool outdoors of autumn. Some of the beers below are meant as a sort of tribute to the season, and brewed and marketed as such. Some are year round brews that just happen to fit the sort of feel and taste of fall, and have also been included. So light a fire, warm your hands and enjoy.

The Bruery "Autumn Maple"

This is “The Bruery’s” take on the popular fall pumpkin ale. This is Belgian style brown ale, brewed with a cornucopia of fall flavors! Yams, maple syrup, allspice, vanilla, molasses, cinnamon and nutmeg are all included in this beer, making this beer a very complex, flavorful take on a fall beer. At 10% ABV, it will also keep you warm on those chilly October evenings! A very good, albeit a little more expensive fall option.

Buffalo Bill's Brewery "Original Pumpkin Ale"

I really only included this one for one reason. It claims to be “the original” pumpkin ale. I have no idea if it is or not, but if it is, it is a perfect example of someone coming up with a great idea, but failing to follow through to its full potential. I love pumpkin ales, and this is not a bad one, it is not however, the best one, far from it. It is pretty light on the pumpkin flavor, which isn’t always a bad thing; it is however, because there isn’t much else to back up the flavor. No real spice notes or anything, it does smell great however. A decent option if it’s all there is, but there are far better pumpkin ales on the market.

Dogfish Heads Punkin Ale.

I think this is the best pumpkin ale on the market. There is a subtle pumpkin note, but there is so much else in this beer, the slight pumpkin taste works well. There is brown sugar, and other fall spices that make this a well rounded, very drinkable fall offering.

Aecht Schlenkerla "Rauchbier-Märzen"

I wrote recently of my first experience with Rauchbiers not long ago. I’ve since found this one. Probably the most well known, easy to find Rauchbier here in the states. A very traditional Rauchbier with tons of smoke and a rich malty body that grows stronger as you get closer and closer to the bottom of your glass, and the beer as a chance to warm. This beer made me want light a fire and enjoy some cooler temperatures.

Chimay Grand Reserve

One of the best!
One of the greatest beers in the world, if you ask me. It also works well in the fall. This beer is a Trappist Ale that offers up rich, caramel malts, with a hint of sort of a raisin, fig tastes. This bottle conditioned ale is a very strong (9%, but drinks a little stronger) but at the same time, drinkable. It does tend to be a little more expensive but it is also fairly easy to find, and well worth a few extra bucks.

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