
Apr 14, 2010

Current Favorites...

Every now and then, you try a new you know from pretty much the first sip, that it is something special. This very thing happened to me last weekend when my lovely wife brought home a new beer for me to try. Sierra Nevada released a beer to commemorate their 30th Anniversary. Right off the bat, I figured it would be good, as SN is one of my favorite breweries, and I have a tremendous respect for what they do. Then I read the label First of all, it’s an Imperial Stout, one of my favorite styles. Then I see it’s collaboration with Fritz Maytag of Anchor Brewing out of San Francisco, whom many agree is the god father of the craft beer movement, and one of the most respected brewers in the country.

So, we opened it, and poured our selves a couple of glasses. It was almost pitch black, with a tan, kaki, fluffy head. It smelled of chocolate, little roasted coffee and hops.

From the first sip, this beer went directly to one of my top 5 favorites! It has a slight roasted coffee/espresso bean flavor, with a hint of chocolate and caramel roasted malt. A smooth beer, and easy to drink for its 9.3% abv. I immediately told my wife that I am going to get a few more bottles of this to store away, and that I hope the decided to put some of this in some barrels for aging, because this beer, after an 8 month to a year stint in a barrel, would be truly incredible.

I really feel like this beer is what can (and should) happen when true artists come together to produce something that is extremely special. My already great respect for both of these brewers only grew with each sip of this amazing beverage. I am going to have to stock up on this one, as I am not sure how long it will be available, but if you see it, buy it, even if you don't want it, I'll take it off your hands for you!

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