
Oct 19, 2009

Allagash Vagabond!!!!

Just a few days after I wrote about beers that are hard to find, and the thrill of hunting them down, I struck gold!!! Allagash Brewing just this morning released a beer that has been aging for 4 years in Oak Barrels! Very limited release, only 500 bottles! You could only get it at the brewery, and limited to 2 bottles per person. Well, being in Arizona, I am about 2000 miles away from the Brewery in Maine. So, as luck would have it, my brother and sister in law live in Maine, not far from there. My sister in law went over this morning, and got THE LAST TWO BOTTLES!!!! It went on sale at 9am, and she got the last 2 bottles at 11:05. Damn did I luck out! I can pretty much rest assured I will have the only 2 bottles in the state of Arizona.

I should be getting this treasure in the next week or so, and rest assured, I will be writing about it! Probably more then once! Check back for details!

Learn more about Allagash Brewing at

1 comment:

  1. haha! How in the world did I not know you had a blog?! Very cool!
