
Sep 25, 2009

My first entry

I've wanted to start a blog for some time, but never knew what to "blog" about. Someone suggested the other day I do a beer column, or blog. I didn't want to at first, thinking there are just SO many blogs about beer out there. I wanted to do something at least slightly differ ant.
Then I got thinking about a lot of the beer blogs that are out there. Most are from people that appreciate and love beer, beer advocates. The review beer, and discuss beer in terms most of us wouldn't understand. I wanted to do a blog for the every day person. Educate and advocate, but not to the point of being pretentious, or, god forbid be a "beer snob". So, here it is, my blog "the beer czar". (No I have not been approved by congress).

Ken aka The Beer Czar

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